douguachi0056 2015-01-18 13:48
浏览 77

将原始的elasticsearch-php库集成到Laravel 4.2中?

I am first day to Laravel and i need to intgerate original elasticsearch-php library.

I've downloaded it via composer but don't know how to make it work the right way with Laravel.

Basically i want to use it that way:

$client = new ElasticSearch\Client();

Please help.

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  • dongzan0108 2015-01-19 04:09

    Add the following lines to your composer.json

    "shift31/laravel-elasticsearch": "1.0.*@dev" "elasticsearch/elasticsearch": "~1.0"

    Follow the rest of the install instructions at

    For good measure, i am providing some starter boilerplate code for you to save your data using that library.

    FYI, I use my environment to differentiate between indexes (production or testbed). You may use other methods, such as a config.php value.

    Create mapping

    $params = array();
    $params['index'] = \App::environment();
    //params' type and array body's 2nd element should be of the same name.
    $params['type'] = 'car';
    $params['body']['car'] = ['properties' => 
                                'id' => [
                                    'type'  => 'long'
                                'name' => [
                                    'type'  =>  'string'
                                'engine' => [
                                    'type' => 'string'
    $client = new Elasticsearch\Client();

    Insert document

    $params = array();
    $params['index'] = \App::environment();
    $params['type'] = 'car';
    $car = \CarModel::find($data['id']);
        $params['id'] = $car->id;
        //Elasticsearch doesn't accept Carbon's default string value. Use the below function to convert it in an acceptable format.
        $params['timestamp'] = $car->updated_at->toIso8601String();
        // toArray will give you the attributes of the model AND its relations. This is the bothersome part where you will get more data than what you need.
        $params['body']['car'] = $car->toArray();

    Update Document

    $params = array();
    $params['index'] = \App::environment();
    $params['type'] = 'car';
    $car = \CarModel::find($data['id']);
        $params['id'] = $car->id;
        $params['body']['doc']['car'] = $car->toArray();

    Delete Document

    $params = array();
    $params['index'] = \App::environment();
    $params['type'] = 'car';
    $params['id'] = 1;
    $deleteResult = $client->delete($params);
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