dou426098 2018-05-16 11:06
浏览 82

PHP 500(内部服务器错误) - 遇到非数字值?

I want to have a autocomplete search input with jQuery and Laravel. But I'm getting an error when the user write at least 2 letters in the search input:

GET http://proj.test/autocomplete-search?term=ca 500 (Internal Server Error)

Do you know where is the issue? I want to show the conferences based on the letters inserted by the user in the search form.

The search input:

<div class="col col-md-6">
    <h4 class="text-white  text-center font-weight-bold">Search</h4>
    <form class="main-search">
        <input type="text" id="search" class="autocomplete dropdown-toggle" placeholder="Conference, Citiy, Category">

Laravel routes:

Route::get('/autocomplete-search', 'AutocompleteController@search');

Laravel AutomcompleteController:

class AutocompleteController extends Controller
    public function search(Request $request){
        $search = $request->term;
        $conferences = Conference::where('name', 'LIKE', '%'.$search.'%')->get();

        $data= [];
        foreach ($conferences as $key => $value){
            $data[] = ['id'=>$value->id, 'value' => $value->id + " " + $value->name];

        return response($data);


   source: "{{ URL::to('autocomplete-search') }}",
   minLength: 2,
   select:function(key, value)

EDIT: In the Network tab the error shows as:

{message: "A non-numeric value encountered", exception: "ErrorException",…}

and points to this line:

{function: "search", class: "App\Http\Controllers\AutocompleteController", type: "->"}". In "$data[] = ['id'=>$value->id, 'value' => $value->id + " " + $value->name];

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  • douye2020 2018-05-16 11:22

    You've used the addition operator (+) when you need to use the string concatenation operator (.).


    $data[] = ['id'=>$value->id, ' value' => $value->id + " " + $value->name]

    needs to become

    $data[] = ['id'=> $value->id, 'value' => $value->id . " " . $value->name]

    otherwise PHP thinks you're trying to do addition on these fields, when in fact they're text which you want to place into a single variable.

    See for info about which operators do what in PHP.

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