I'm using PhpStorm as current IDE.
The only issue I have with it is that it can't find my php-library.
I've installed this: PHP-JS.
And by install, i mean generated the php-js.so
file which I've loaded via php5enmod php-js
The library works:
// This is a valid namespace AND classname
$context = new JS\Context;
$result = $context->evaluate("var x = 3; var y = 4; var z = x + y; ++z;");
// will output 8
For some (well, not that strange) reason, PhpStorm can't find the JS
namespace and consequently no classes from that namespace.
Is there a way I can tell PhpStorm that I'm actually calling an existing method from a valid class from a valid namespace?
I've tried to make it work using docBlock tags but none seems to match what I need.