dongqiabei7682 2013-02-07 04:27
浏览 49


I'm making my own custom wordpress theme for the first time and I've hit a snag when trying to register menus.

I've followed a tutorial to build the theme at and looked it up on but no matter what i do the code that registers the menu won't work as I don't see the menu to add items to in wp-admin. Here's the function I register them in:

if ( ! function_exists( 'eastmids_setup' ) ):
 * Sets up theme defaults and registers support for various WordPress features.
 * Note that this function is hooked into the after_setup_theme hook, which runs
 * before the init hook. The init hook is too late for some features, such as indicating
 * support post thumbnails.
 * @since eastmids 1.0
function eastmids_setup() {

 * Custom template tags for this theme.
require( get_template_directory() . '/inc/template-tags.php' );

 * Custom functions that act independently of the theme templates
require( get_template_directory() . '/inc/tweaks.php' );

 * Make theme available for translation
 * Translations can be filed in the /languages/ directory
 * If you're building a theme based on eastmids, use a find and replace
 * to change 'eastmids' to the name of your theme in all the template files
load_theme_textdomain( 'eastmids', get_template_directory() . '/languages' );

 * Add default posts and comments RSS feed links to head
add_theme_support( 'automatic-feed-links' );

 * Enable support for the Aside Post Format
add_theme_support( 'post-formats', array( 'aside' ) );

 * This theme uses wp_nav_menu() in one location.
register_nav_menus( array(
    'primary' => __( 'Primary Menu' ),
) );
endif; // eastmids_setup
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'eastmids_setup' );

And here is how I use it:

<nav role="navigation" class="site-navigation main-navigation">
     <?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'primary' ) ); ?>

What is displayed instead is an ul tag containing Home followed by my pages.

seeing as i can't see the menus in wp-admin i assume the register is failing somehow.

Can anybody help?

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  • duanposhi3641 2013-02-07 05:21

    It is because you haven't specified a menu yet.

    After you've set up your codes for the menu, you should go to the dashboard and create a menu from there (Appearance -> Menu). Or you are not seeing this menu either? There's a stray endif; in your code, could you post the entire code please?

    Enter the menu name, add required items to the menu and click on Create menu. Have a look at Appearance Menus Screen to understand how it works.

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