duanpang5583 2013-11-06 14:18
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测试php web服务的完美客户端[关闭]

i'm developing a web service using php, this web service has to take a request information from a client and send it to the server then take the response from the server and send it back to the client, this client is not available right now so i want to use like a virtual client or any other client to depend on while developing that service, what's the best suitable thing for that case?

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  • douyaju4749 2013-11-06 14:24

    The elitetists will probably say wget or curl. But get something with a GUI just for the sake of ease, the novelty of a black screen and white text runs out quite quickly.

    I use a chrome plugin called "REST Console". Gives you all the options you need and is my "go to" app for messing around with API's.

    There are other chrome plugins that do the same, just use the google store and look for a "rest console" and a few should come up.

    There are standalone applications which are packed full of features which you will probably never use. But i don't see the point in over complicating things.

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