dopuz8728 2011-08-09 06:05
浏览 27


I'm contemplating using for our graphing / charting requirements but another developer suggested the use of a javascript/jquery based one like -

While the look-n-feel for both are different, and perhaps a javascript based one is more easily manipulatable - I'm not convinced it would be the faster solution.

Wouldnt a PHP based toolkit be faster anyday, for the end user, with less data going back and forth between our server and the client machine?

Our charting requirements are for reporting purposes - we dont require users to manipulate the charts 'live' at all.

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  • dongtan7418 2011-08-09 06:20

    Without considering presentation aspects, the 2 approaches generally have their pros and cons, whereas one's pro being the other's con.

    The PHP approach:

    • arguably more consistent results.
    • resulting chart(s) could be saved if data is constant once entered, this would avoid having the same process run multiple times, resulting better overall performance.

    The Javascript approach:

    • less computing power needed on the server.
    • resulting chart(s) could be generated dynamically delivering a more interactive user experience.
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