duanqu9279 2017-01-14 05:09
浏览 116

Golang os.Open是否可以将表单文件与动态文件一起使用

This is my first time using Os.Open and I was wondering can I use that for dynamic images (Images found in different directories) or do I have to put the full path every single time ? For instance in my FormFile

func ExampleFunc(w http.ResponseWriter, t *http.Request) {
     f, h, err := t.FormFile("file")
       if err != nil {
        print(err) }

The function above gives me an error no such file or directory found however if I put the full path in there such as


Then the image opens, is there a way of dynamically get the Image path and inserting that in os.Open ? I do have a FormFile that gets information about the incoming file but not the full path .

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  • dopgv00024 2017-01-14 05:23

    In a file server (such as this one), you are suppose to concatenate a root_folder to the file/path you get from your form.

    filepath := path.Join((root_folder), h.Filename)

    That way, you open files which are within a certain root folder, instead of any file on your system (which is not secure at all).

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