I'm trying to write a MySQL UDF in Go with cgo, in which I have a basic one functioning, but there's little bits and pieces that I can't figure out because I have no idea what some of the C variables are in terms of Go.
This is an example that I have written in C that forces the type of one of the MySQL parameters to an int
my_bool unhex_sha3_init(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *args, char *message) {
if (args->arg_count != 2) {
strcpy(message, "`unhex_sha3`() requires 2 parameters: the message part, and the bits");
return 1;
args->arg_type[1] = INT_RESULT;
initid->maybe_null = 1; //can return null
return 0;
And that works fine, but then I try to do the same/similar thing with this other function in Go like this
//export get_url_param_init
func get_url_param_init(initid *C.UDF_INIT, args *C.UDF_ARGS, message *C.char) C.my_bool {
if args.arg_count != 2 {
message = C.CString("`get_url_param` require 2 parameters: the URL string and the param name")
return 1
(*args.arg_type)[0] = C.STRING_RESULT
(*args.arg_type)[1] = C.STRING_RESULT
initid.maybe_null = 1
return 0
With this build error
./main.go:24: invalid operation: (*args.arg_type)[0] (type uint32 does not support indexing)
And I'm not totally sure what that means. Shouldn't this be a slice of some sort, not a uint32
And this is where it'd be super helpful have some way of dumping the args
struct somewhere somehow (maybe even in Go syntax as a super plus) so that I can tell what I'm working with.
Well I used spew to dump the variable contents to a tmp file inside the init function (commenting out the lines that made it not compile) and I got this
(string) (len=3) "%#v"
arg_count: (main._Ctype_uint) 2,
_: ([4]uint8) (len=4 cap=4) {
00000000 00 00 00 00 |....|
arg_type: (*uint32)(0x7ff318006d18)(0),
args: (**main._Ctype_char)(0x7ff318006d20->0x7ff3180251b0)(0),
lengths: (*main._Ctype_ulong)(0x7ff318006d30)(0),
maybe_null: (*main._Ctype_char)(0x7ff318006d40)(0),
attributes: (**main._Ctype_char)(0x7ff318006d58->0x7ff318006b88)(39),
attribute_lengths: (*main._Ctype_ulong)(0x7ff318006d68)(2),
extension: (unsafe.Pointer) <nil>