I had seen several blurbs on the interwebs which had loosely talked about why one should use bufio.Scanner instead of bufio.Reader.
I don't know if my test case is relevant, but I decided to test one vs the other when it comes to reading 1,000,000 lines from a text file:
package main
import (
func main() {
fileName := "testfile.txt"
// Create 1,000,000 integers as strings
numItems := 1000000
startInitStringArray := time.Now()
var input [1000000]string
//var input []string
for i:=0; i < numItems; i++ {
input[i] = strconv.Itoa(i)
//input = append(input,strconv.Itoa(i))
elapsedInitStringArray := time.Since(startInitStringArray)
fmt.Printf("Took %s to populate string array.
", elapsedInitStringArray)
// Write to a file
fo, _ := os.Create(fileName)
for i:=0; i < numItems; i++ {
fo.WriteString(input[i] + "
// Use reader
openedFile, _ := os.Open(fileName)
startReader := time.Now()
reader := bufio.NewReader(openedFile)
for i:=0; i < numItems; i++ {
elapsedReader := time.Since(startReader)
fmt.Printf("Took %s to read file using reader.
", elapsedReader)
// Use scanner
openedFile, _ = os.Open(fileName)
startScanner := time.Now()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(openedFile)
for i:=0; i < numItems; i++ {
elapsedScanner := time.Since(startScanner)
fmt.Printf("Took %s to read file using scanner.
", elapsedScanner)
A pretty average output I receive on the timings looks like this:
Took 44.1165ms to populate string array.
Took 17.0465ms to read file using reader.
Took 23.0613ms to read file using scanner.
I am curious, when is it better to use a reader vs. a scanner, and is it based on performance, or functionality?