dongsisui7562 2018-03-20 04:07
浏览 22


I'm just curious on which of these methods is better (or if there's an even better one that I'm missing). I'm trying to determine if the first letter and last letter of a word are the same, and there are two obvious solutions to me.

if word[:1] == word[len(word)-1:]


if word[0] == word[len(word)-1]

As I understand it, the first is just pulling slices of the string and doing a string comparison, while the second is pulling the character from either end and comparing as bytes.

I'm curious if there's a performance difference between the two, and if there's any "preferable" way to do this?

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  • duadpnld426905 2018-03-20 05:20

    If by letter you mean rune, then use:

    func eqRune(s string) bool {
        if s == "" {
            return false // or true if that makes more sense for the app
        f, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)  // 2nd return value is rune size. ignore it.
        l, _ := utf8.DecodeLastRuneInString(s) // 2nd return value is rune size. ignore it.
        if f != l {
            return false
        if f == unicode.ReplacementChar {
            // First and last are invalid UTF-8. Fallback to 
            // comparing bytes.
            return s[0] == s[len(s)-1]
        return true

    If you mean byte, then use:

    func eqByte(s string) bool {
        if s == "" {
            return false // or true if that makes more sense for the app
        return s[0] == s[len(s)-1]

    Comparing individual bytes is faster than comparing string slices as shown by the benchmark in another answer.

    playground example

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