doufangxian4985 2015-09-08 08:16
浏览 320


As known, the goroutine is synchronous but non-blocking processing unit. The golang scheduler handles the non-blocking task, e.g. socket, timer, signal or other events from char devices very well.

But how about block device io or CPU sensitive task? They couldn't be interrupted until finish, and not multiplexed. The OS thread which runs the goroutine would freeze until the goroutine returns or yields. In that case, the scheduling granularity becomes bad.

Of course, you could split the tasks into smaller sub-tasks in your codes, for example, do not copy 1GB file at one time, instead, copy first 10MB, yield, and copy another 10MB, etc, so that the other goroutines within the same OS thread get chance to run. Another example for CPU-bound task: zip a file part by part and merge them finally.

But that breaks the convenience of sequential programming, and the manual scheduling is hard to estimate evenly, compared to the OS scheduling upon the OS threads.

The nginx has similar issue, it's multi-worker-processes program, one process for one CPU core, similar to the best practice of the GOMAXPROCS. It brings in the thread pool to handle the blocking tasks. Maybe it's good for golang too. I am curious why golang has no OS threading API, which should be good supplement to goroutine for blocking tasks.

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  • 普通网友 2015-09-08 14:38

    Go has specifically chosen to not directly expose OS threads to the user, and instead chose an M:N threading model. Your unit of execution in Go is the goroutine, which will be multiplexed on N number of OS threads.

    In the rare case you have a CPU intensive calculation that contains no preemption points and insufficient OS threads to continue running other goroutines, you have 2 choices; increase GOMAXPROCS, or insert runtime.Gosched() calls to yield to other goroutines.

    In the case of blocking syscalls, the Go scheduler will automatically dispatch a new OS thread (the time limit to consider a syscall "blocking" has been 20us), and since non-network IO is a series of blocking syscalls, it will almost always be assigned to a dedicated OS thread. Since Go already uses an M:N threading model, the user is usually unaware of the underlying scheduler choices, and can write the program the same as if the runtime used asynchronous IO.

    There is an open issue to consider using asynchronous file IO, but there are many issues to overcome, like shortcomings in the Linux aio api, cross-platform compatibility, and interactions with all the various filesystems and devices with which you can do IO.

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