douan4347 2018-11-09 00:33
浏览 96

在{{template}}中使用Go Template var

In Go we can create a variable easily enough with

{{- if .Bool.Var -}}
  {{ $MyVar := "val" }}
{{- end -}}

We can even create shared snippets easily enough

{{- define "val" -}}
  <p>Some shared template data</p>
{{- end -}}

My question is, how do we go about using $MyVar as a text value for {{template}} so that we can do something like {{template $MyVar}}, without causing an error, or is this not possible?

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  • douyanning3724 2018-11-09 02:00

    In the pure Go text/template language (which is not Go per se but something different which happens to be implemented in Go) this isn't possible; the {{template}} invocation takes a literal string name.

    One of the most prominent users of this language is the Kubernetes Helm deployment manager. That includes several extensions to the template language. One of those is an include template function that can take any value as the name of the template, and produces a string rather than immediately outputting the template contents (you can include it in a pipeline, which you can't with template). So specifically in a kubernetes-helm YAML file, you could

    {{ include $MyVar }}
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