dovt85093 2018-04-19 20:38
浏览 9


I have some Go code that is returning a map of values but I only need some of the results. Is there a way I can test/filter the key of the map against a string array (or something similar) to give a simplified result rather than a bunch of if statements? All the samples I have looked up had fixed values to filter against.

A simple example is below, but rather than supplying the string I want to have a list of possible values so I can get a reduced list.

package main

import "fmt"

type colors struct {
    animal  string
    COLOR   []string

func main() {
    // Map animal names to color strings.
    colors := map[string]string{
        "bird":  "blue",
        "snake": "green",
        "cat":   "black",

    // Display string.
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  • dongtaoxue4674 2018-04-19 21:00

    Yes, you can test/filter a map using range. If you have all the possible values, you can simply compare them to the map using a key/value lookup and make the structs based off of that.

    package main
    import (
    type colors struct {
    animal  string
    COLOR   []string
    func main() {
        //the list of values
        possibleValues := []string{"bird","dog", "cat"}
        // Map animal names to color strings.
        foo := map[string]string{
            "bird":  "blue",
                "snake": "green",
                "cat":   "black",
        //slice of objects of your struct
        objects := []colors{}
        //for every value in the possible values
        for _, v := range possibleValues {
            //if it's in the map, make a new struct and append it to the slice of objects
            if val,ok := foo[v]; ok {
                objects = append(objects, colors{animal:v,COLOR:[]string{val}})
        // Display string.

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