drv13270 2017-01-29 09:17
浏览 26


I have packages, that are similar in functionality, as they are web request handlers.

I have functions like this for Home page in each package:

package home_page_handler

func GetUrl() string {
    return "/"

func GetPageName() string {
    return "HomePage"

To structure the code better, I wonder if I can add a restriction, may be via interfaces to make each package of some "class" contain these functions?

That way if I add one more handler, it will throw an error while compiling if a function is missing or has a wrong signature.

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  • duanpan3166 2017-01-29 09:41

    You could "register" each package with a call

    package server
    type PageHandler {
        url, name func() string
    var Handlers = []PageHandler
    func RegisterHandler(url func()string, name func()string) {
        Handlers = append(Handlers, PageHandler{url, name})
    package home_page
    func init() {
        server.RegisterHandler(GetUrl, GetPageName)

    The package won't compile unless GetUrl and GetPageName are provided and the function signature is correct.

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