drjv5597 2017-12-17 04:39
浏览 8


I try to use this golang package to scrape website images.

This is the html node that I need to scrape.

<ul class="list clearfix">
          <a href=www.example.com/asda">
                     <img src="..sadsada./ssa/3.jpg">
          <a href=www.example.comsdsds/sds">
                     <img srr="..sadsada./ssa/2.jpg">
          <a href=www.example.com/sdds">
                     <img src="..sadsada./ssa/1.jpg">

How do I get the image src?

Here is the matches I tried:

matcher := func(n *html.Node) bool {

        if n.DataAtom == atom.A && n.Parent != nil && n.Parent.Parent != nil && n.Parent.Parent.Parent != nil && n.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent != nil {

            return scrape.Attr(n.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent, "class") == "list clearfix"
        return false

    images := scrape.FindAll(root, matcher)

But it doesn't work.

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  • drryyiuib43562604 2017-12-17 07:15

    Fixed code:

    matcher := func(n *html.Node) bool {
        if n.Data == "img" && // Is img tag
            n.Parent != nil && // Parent exists
            n.Parent.DataAtom == atom.A && // Parent is <a>
            n.Parent.Parent != nil && // Parent's Parent exists (div)
            n.Parent.Parent.Parent != nil && // Parent's Parent's Parent exists (li)
            n.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent != nil { // Parent's Parent's Parent's Parent exists (ul)
            return scrape.Attr(n.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent, "class") == "list clearfix"
        return false
    images := scrape.FindAll(root, matcher)
    for i, img := range images {
        src := scrape.Attr(img, "src")
        fmt.Printf("Image %d src=%s
    ", i, src)

    I just modified your matcher func to fix the issues you had.

    Also note, your HTML in your question is invalid. There were a few missing "'s along with a mispelt src attribute.

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