I have log files of customer interactions with an API. I want to parse those logs and feed the results into a map of structs so that I can organize the data into helpful information. For example, I would like to respond to the following query: "show me the total number of requests per user per day".
I have created what seems like an adequate structure to hold the data. However, when I try to run the program I get the error: invalid operation: dates[fields[1]] (type *Dates does not support indexing) [process exited with non-zero status]
package main
import (
type Stats struct {
totalNumberOfRequests int
type Customer struct {
listOfCustomers map[string]Stats // map[customerid]Stats
type Dates struct {
listOfDates map[string]Customer // map[date]Customer
var requestLog = []string{
"2011-10-05, 1234, apiquery",
"2011-10-06, 1234, apiquery",
"2011-10-06, 5678, apiquery",
"2011-10-09, 1234, apiquery",
"2011-10-12, 1234, apiquery",
"2011-10-13, 1234, apiquery",
func main() {
dates := new(Dates)
for _, entry := range requestLog {
fmt.Println("entry:", entry)
fields := strings.Split(entry, "'")
Is there a better structure to use? Or is there a way to make this structure work for this particular purpose?