I am perfectly fine with asking one integer input from user, but with two, it fails with "no new variables on left side of :=(undefined)"
and i dont see any ideas how to fix it..
i tried to create two variable-s (int type). with one it works perfectly fine, but with adding other one, it wails..
var loop_count int
fmt.Println("Insert start ID : ")
_, err1 := fmt.Scanf("%d", &loop_count)
if err1 != nil {
arr := make([]uint8, loop_count) //How many times it loops
var url_id int
fmt.Println("Insert start ID : ") //From where it starts
_, err := fmt.Scanf("%d", &url_id)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Starting download from : ", url_id)
So i want to ask two things from console:
- Loop count (how many times should it loop)
- From what ID it should start downloading.