I need to read a CSV file and record the locations of lines with certain values into an array, then later go back and retrieve those lines in no particular order and with good performance, so random access.
My program uses csv.NewReader(file), but I see no way to get or set the file offset that it uses. I tried file.Seek(0,io.SeekCurrent) to return the file position, but it doesn't change between calls to reader.Read(). I also tried fmt.Println("+v +v ",reader,file) to see if anything stores the reader's file position, but I don't see it. I also don't know the best way to use the file position if I do find it.
Here's what I need to do:
file,_ = os.Open("stuff.csv")
reader = csv.NewReader(file)
//read file and record locations
for {
line,_ = reader.Read()
if wantToRememberLocation(line) {
locations = append(locations, getLocation()) //need this function
//then revisit certain lines
for {
reader.GoToLine(locations[random]) //need this function
line,_ = reader.Read()
Is there even a way to do this with the csv library, or will I have to write my own using more primitive file io functions?