dongrui6787 2019-04-04 10:41
浏览 83


I cannot get mysql timestamp value in into a time.Time variable

I am trying to scan a row, All values get successfully scanned except the timestamp type in mysql, I am already using dsn parseTime=true which was one of the issues i searched into, but it does not help

        type Tags struct {
            ID             int
            CreatedAt      time.Time `json:"created_at"`
        func foo5() {
            http.HandleFunc("/tags/", bar5)
            http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

        func bar5(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
            db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "root:*******@/catalogue_service?parseTime=true")
            if err != nil {
            fmt.Println("error opening")
            v, _ := strconv.Atoi(path.Base(r.URL.Path))
            row := db.QueryRow("select * from tags where id = ?", v)
            var myRow Tags
            row.Scan(&myRow.ID, &myRow.CreatedAt)

int and string values are displayed properly but CreatedAt prints 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC instead of the actual value


| Field           | Type                     | Null | Key | Default           | Extra                                         |
| id              | int(11)                  | NO   | PRI | NULL              | auto_increment                                |
| created_at      | timestamp                | NO   |     | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | DEFAULT_GENERATED                             |

| 84 | 2019-01-30 11:21:36 |

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  • douzhao9608 2019-04-04 13:05

    Error has been resolved by myself, there were null values in the table which Scan could not handle hence i used sql.NULLString or mysql.NULLTime type in struct depending on the field

    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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