duangu6588 2017-04-11 16:48
浏览 24


I have a map with a struct as key and a func as value, I would like to call the func when I retrieve the value for a given key


    {contact %!s(int=1)}:%!s(main.Controller=0x4c7b50) 
    {services/basket %!s(int=2)}:%!s(main.Controller=0x4c7ad0) 
    {categories %!s(int=1)}:%!s(main.Controller=0x4c7ae0) 
    {categories/{category} %!s(int=2)}:%!s(main.Controller=0x4c7af0)
    {categories/{category}/{product} %!s(int=3)}:%!s(main.Controller=0x4c7b00) 
    {basket %!s(int=1)}:%!s(main.Controller=0x4c7b10) 
    {checkout %!s(int=1)}:%!s(main.Controller=0x4c7b40) 
    {sitemap %!s(int=1)}:%!s(main.Controller=0x4c7b30) 
    {services/order %!s(int=2)}:%!s(main.Controller=0x4c7ac0) 
    {services/image %!s(int=2)}:%!s(main.Controller=0x4c7b20) 
    {/ %!s(int=1)}:%!s(main.Controller=0x4c7a00)

c := RouteMap[struct]

If I fmt.Printf("%s", c) I get the memory address, how do I invoke the func at the address?

I have tried c() but that gives a runtime error:

<nil>panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal 0xc0000005 code=0x0 addr=0x0 pc=0x4c76f4]

goroutine 5 [running]:
main.RequestHandler(0x577ce0, 0xc042004018)
        C:/Users/mon/Desktop/server.go:91 +0x684
created by main.main
        C:/Users/mon/Desktop/server.go:41 +0x2a0


package main

import (

var RouteMap = make(map[PathIdentifier]Controller)

func main() {
    ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":8080")
    if err != nil {
        // handle error

    MapRoute("/", HomeController)
    MapRoute("categories", CategoriesController)
    MapRoute("categories/{category}", CategoryController)
    MapRoute("categories/{category}/{product}", CategoryProductController)
    MapRoute("basket", BasketController)

    MapRoute("checkout", CheckoutController)
    MapRoute("sitemap", SitemapController)
    MapRoute("contact", ContactController)

    MapRoute("services/order", OrderServiceController)
    MapRoute("services/basket", BasketServiceController)
    MapRoute("services/image", ImageServiceController)

", RouteMap)

    for {
        conn, err := ln.Accept()
        if err != nil {
            // handle error
        go RequestHandler(conn)

// ----------------------- Request & Response ---------------------------

func ParseQueryString() {}

func ParsePostData() {}

func ResponseHeaders() {}

func ParseRequestHeaders() {}

func RequestHandler(conn net.Conn) {
CrLf := "
Terminator := CrLf + CrLf

defer func() {
    //fmt.Println("Closing connection...")

timeoutDuration := 10 * time.Second
bufReader := bufio.NewReader(conn)


requestBytes, err := bufReader.ReadBytes('
if err != nil {

requestTokens := bytes.Split(requestBytes, []byte(" "))

requestMethod := string(requestTokens[0])
requestPath := string(requestTokens[1])
//requestHTTPVersion := string(requestTokens[2])

if requestMethod == "GET" {
    // Parse path
    pathTokens := strings.Split(requestPath, "/")
    segments := len(pathTokens)

    key := PathIdentifier{path: "categories/{category}/{product}", segments: (segments - 1)}
    c := RouteMap[key]

", c)


    document := []byte("HTTP/1.1 200 OK" + CrLf + "Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 12:28:53 GMT" + CrLf + "Last-Modified: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 19:15:56 GMT" + CrLf + "Content-Length: 49" + CrLf + "Content-Type: text/html" + CrLf + "Connection: Closed" + Terminator + "<html><body><h1>Hello, World!</h1></body></html>" + Terminator)


// ----------------------------- Controller -----------------------------

type Controller func()

type PathIdentifier struct {
    path     string
    segments int

func MapRoute(view string, controller Controller) {
    if controller != nil {

        if view != "/" {
            pathTokens := strings.Split(view, "/")

            key := PathIdentifier{path: view, segments: len(pathTokens)}
            RouteMap[key] = controller

        key := PathIdentifier{path: view, segments: 1}
        RouteMap[key] = controller

func HomeController() {
    fmt.Print("Invoking the HomeController.

func OrderServiceController() {


func BasketServiceController() {


func CategoriesController() {


func CategoryController() {


func CategoryProductsController() {


func CategoryProductController() {


func BasketController() {


func ImageServiceController() {


func SitemapController() {


func CheckoutController() {


func ContactController() {

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  • dongwusang0314 2017-04-11 17:37

    I'm not sure you need to call it "by address". When you call by passing it as a variable, compiler does this for you "under-the-hood". Takes its address and calls it.

    If you wish some level of indirection, you can make:

    M := map[string]func()
    M["function 1"] = F
    // and then call them from map like 
    M["function 1"]()



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