dsfdsf8888 2017-06-27 05:54
浏览 89


This question already has an answer here:

My JSON is in the following format:

    {'Student1': 100.0, 'timestamp': Timestamp('2017-06-26 15:30:00'), 'Student2': 100.0, 'Student3': 97.058823442402414},
    {'Student1': 93.877550824911907, 'timestamp': Timestamp('2017-06-26 15:31:00'), 'Student2': 100.0, 'Student5': 100.0},
    {'Student8': 100.0, 'timestamp': Timestamp('2017-06-26 15:32:00'), 'Student10': 100.0, 'Student4': 100.0}
'English': [
    {'Student1': 100.0, 'timestamp': Timestamp('2017-06-26 15:30:00'), 'Student5': 100.0, 'Student3': 97.058823442402414},
    {'Student1': 93.877550824911907, 'timestamp': Timestamp('2017-06-26 15:31:00'), 'Student2': 100.0, 'Student5': 100.0}, 
    {'Student8': 100.0, 'timestamp': Timestamp('2017-06-26 15:32:00'), 'Student10': 100.0, 'Student4': 100.0}

The keys are completely unknown to me. All I know is that the JSON will be of the format:

SUBJECT1: [{Student_Name1: Grade, Student_Name2: Grade, ... , Student_Name3: Grade, timestamp: Timestamp(...)}],
SUBJECT2: [{Student_Name4: Grade, Student_Name6: Grade, ... , Student_Name5: Grade, timestamp: Timestamp(...)}]
SUBJECTN: [{Student_Name1: Grade, Student_Name6: Grade, ... , Student_Name9: Grade, timestamp: Timestamp(...)}]

where the subjects, student_names are all unknown and could vary.

I want to unmarshal this into a GoLang struct so I can return it to my front-end as a JSON object. What should my struct look like? This is what I tried, but it didn't work.

type GradeData struct {
    Grades map[string]interface{} `json:"-"`
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  • doubingjiu3199 2017-06-27 06:33
    • If you don't know the keys, you can use map[string]interface{} to unmarshal your JSON payload.
    • If you use json:"-" tag for the struct fields, those fields will be ignored during JSON Marshal/Unmarshal.

    You can try following options: Go Playground link

    Option 1:

    var grades map[string]interface{}
    err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonString), &grades)
    ", grades)

    Option 2: if you want have struct

    var gradesData GradeData
    err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonString), &gradesData.Grades)
    ", gradesData)
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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