weixin_33725272 2016-03-05 15:02 采纳率: 0%
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将ID设为String jQuery?

I have a jQuery function that calls an API. The result sends me back some data. There is a piece of data I need to work with.

I'm trying to replace teamId = 100 with "Blue Team" and teamId = 200 with (Read Team).

I just need a variable that checks if the ID is 100 and makes the value of the variable "blue" and if its 200 then "red"

I've got this:

        function generateTeamHtml(teamId, participants)  {
      var teamNum = "team"+teamId;
      var html = '<table id="' + teamNum + '">';
      html += '<thead>';
      html += '<tr><th colspan="2">';
      html += teamNum;
      html += '</th></tr>';
      html += '<tr><th>   Summoner Name   </th><th>   Summoner Id   </th></tr>';
      html += '</thead><tbody>';
      for ( userNum in participants) {
        var user = participants[userNum];
        var team = user.teamId;
        var summonerName = user.summonerName;
        var summonerId = user.summonerId;
        if (team == teamId) {
          html += '<tr><td>' + summonerName + '</td><td>' + summonerId + '</td></tr>';
      html += '</tbody></table>';
      return html;

So in the table I see either "team100" or "team 200" I would like a variable called

var = teamColour

Team Colour should take "teamId" and say if the id is 100 then make "teamColour" Blue if "teamId" make "teamColour" Red.


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  • larry*wei 2016-03-05 15:08

    I think that your model should come with that information directly from that api, but, if it is impossible... you can map that ids with a some data reducer, like what follow:

    var getTeamColor = (function(teamsMap) {
      return function(teamId) {
        teamId = Number((/(\d+)/.exec(teamId) || []).pop());
        if(teamsMap.hasOwnProperty(teamId)) {
          return teamsMap[teamId];
      100: "blue",
      200: "red"
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
      var team1 = document.getElementById('team100');
      var team2 = document.getElementById('team200');
      team1.style.backgroundColor = getTeamColor(team1.id);
      team2.style.backgroundColor = getTeamColor(team2.id);
    div { width: 200px; height: 200px; margin: 25px; float:left; color: #fff; padding: 25px 10px; text-align: center; font-size: 2em; }
    <div id="team100">
      team 100
    <div id="team200">
      team 200




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