weixin_33725515 2015-07-20 05:00 采纳率: 0%
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如何从Laravel 5.1获取JSON

I'm developing an application with Laravel 5.1 and I try to get information from json but i can't, i have the next code:




    public function listing(){
      $toys = Toy::all();
      return response()->json([
         "toys" => $toys->toArray()

Petition get:


        $.getJSON("http://localhost:8000/toys", function(data){


And i can see the data into the console:

but how can show the info into HTML? thanks

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  • weixin_33720186 2015-07-20 05:09

    use need to use . operator to get access data in each object, since you have an array of objects you need to loop through each object and access them as following example:

    data.id - for accessing the id
    data.genre - for accessing the genre etc.

    You can loop through the data object as following example in jquery

    $(data).each( function (key, value) )
             $("#iddiv").append(value.id+","); //this will show all the ids in the div with id iddiv, which are separated by commas
            <div id= "iddiv" > </div>


    It is a two dimensional object so do the below thing

    $(data).each( function (key, value) )
            $(value).each( function( key2, value2 )){
             $("#iddiv").append(value2.id+","); //this will show all the ids in the div with id iddiv, which are separated by commas
