放大的EZ 2017-09-27 03:30 采纳率: 100%
浏览 1565

eng版本正常user 版本烧写进去就出现出现 phone crash?

01-01 00:05:44.590 2846 2846 V PhoneApp: onCreate()...
01-01 00:05:44.620 2114 2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 74664.000000, y = -68564.000000, z = -983076.000000
01-01 00:05:44.620 2114 2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.732204, y = 0.672383, z = -9.640682
01-01 00:05:44.639 2865 2865 W RILReceiver1: type=1400 audit(0.0:106): avc: denied { write } for name="rild2" dev="tmpfs" ino=1767 scontext=u:r:radio:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:socket_device:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
01-01 00:05:44.659 2114 2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 74908.000000, y = -68564.000000, z = -984052.000000
01-01 00:05:44.659 2114 2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.734597, y = 0.672383, z = -9.650254
01-01 00:05:44.698 2114 2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 74908.000000, y = -65880.000000, z = -985028.000000
01-01 00:05:44.698 2114 2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.734597, y = 0.646062, z = -9.659825
01-01 00:05:44.738 2114 2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75396.000000, y = -66612.000000, z = -980392.000000
01-01 00:05:44.738 2114 2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.739382, y = 0.653241, z = -9.614362
01-01 00:05:44.771 2252 2252 W KeyguardUpdateMonitor: invalid subId in handleSimStateChange()
01-01 00:05:44.773 2506 2506 D [ ARICENT_IMS_SERVICE]: ************* AriSimStateChangeReceiver ************* action : android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED
01-01 00:05:44.773 2506 2506 D [ ARICENT_IMS_SERVICE]: AriSimStateChangeReceiver simStatus : NOT_READY slotId : 0
01-01 00:05:44.779 2114 2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 73932.000000, y = -67100.000000, z = -981612.000000
01-01 00:05:44.779 2114 2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.725025, y = 0.658026, z = -9.626326
01-01 00:05:44.820 2114 2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 73688.000000, y = -66612.000000, z = -984540.000000
01-01 00:05:44.820 2114 2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.722632, y = 0.653241, z = -9.655040
01-01 00:05:44.863 2114 2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 74664.000000, y = -67588.000000, z = -982100.000000
01-01 00:05:44.863 2114 2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.732204, y = 0.662812, z = -9.631111
01-01 00:05:44.902 2114 2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75884.000000, y = -65392.000000, z = -979904.000000
01-01 00:05:44.902 2114 2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.744168, y = 0.641276, z = -9.609576
01-01 00:05:44.940 2252 2252 W KeyguardUpdateMonitor: invalid subId in handleSimStateChange()
01-01 00:05:44.941 2114 2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75640.000000, y = -67588.000000, z = -984296.000000
01-01 00:05:44.941 2114 2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.741775, y = 0.662812, z = -9.652647
01-01 00:05:44.980 2114 2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75152.000000, y = -66612.000000, z = -985028.000000
01-01 00:05:44.980 2114 2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.736989, y = 0.653241, z = -9.659825
01-01 00:05:45.023 2114 2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 73932.000000, y = -67344.000000, z = -975512.000000
01-01 00:05:45.023 2114 2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.725025, y = 0.660419, z = -9.566505
01-01 00:05:45.062 2114 2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 74420.000000, y = -68320.000000, z = -977220.000000
01-01 00:05:45.062 2114 2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.729811, y = 0.669990, z = -9.583255
01-01 00:05:45.069 2506 2506 D [ ARICENT_IMS_SERVICE]: AriSimStateChangeReceiver : Sim State unknown
01-01 00:05:45.069 2506 2506 D [ ARICENT_IMS_SERVICE]: ************* AriSimStateChangeReceiver ************* action : android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED
01-01 00:05:45.069 2506 2506 D [ ARICENT_IMS_SERVICE]: AriSimStateChangeReceiver simStatus : NOT_READY slotId : 1
01-01 00:05:45.070 2846 2846 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.android.phone, PID: 2846
01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create application com.android.phone.PhoneApp: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'android.os.IBinder android.os.IAriNativeImsService.getAricentIMSService(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference
01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:5364)
01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap2(ActivityThread.java)
01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1528)
01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:154)
01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6077)
01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:865)
01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:755)
01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'android.os.IBinder android.os.IAriNativeImsService.getAricentIMSService(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference
01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.ims.ImsManager.isServiceAvailable(ImsManager.java:780)
01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.telephony.Phone.startMonitoringImsService(Phone.java:561)
01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.telephony.PhoneFactory.makeDefaultPhone(PhoneFactory.java:214)
01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.telephony.PhoneFactory.makeDefaultPhones(PhoneFactory.java:90)
01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.phone.PhoneGlobals.onCreate(PhoneGlobals.java:283)
01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.phone.PhoneApp.onCreate(PhoneApp.java:41)
01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.Instrumentation.callApplicationOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1024)
01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:5361)
01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: ... 8 more
01-01 00:05:45.074 2114 2430 W ActivityManager: Process com.android.phone has crashed too many times: killing!

01-01 00:05:36.356  2838  2838 D CBD     : *** CBD start ***
01-01 00:05:36.359  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76128.000000, y = -69296.000000, z = -980880.000000
01-01 00:05:36.359  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.746561, y = 0.679562, z = -9.619147
01-01 00:05:36.399  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 77592.000000, y = -67588.000000, z = -982344.000000
01-01 00:05:36.399  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.760918, y = 0.662812, z = -9.633504
01-01 00:05:36.438  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75884.000000, y = -69784.000000, z = -980880.000000
01-01 00:05:36.438  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.744168, y = 0.684347, z = -9.619147
01-01 00:05:36.484  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76128.000000, y = -66612.000000, z = -980880.000000
01-01 00:05:36.484  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.746561, y = 0.653241, z = -9.619147
01-01 00:05:36.527  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 77104.000000, y = -68320.000000, z = -981368.000000
01-01 00:05:36.527  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.756132, y = 0.669990, z = -9.623933
01-01 00:05:36.572  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75884.000000, y = -70760.000000, z = -981612.000000
01-01 00:05:36.573  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.744168, y = 0.693919, z = -9.626326
01-01 00:05:36.617  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 77836.000000, y = -66368.000000, z = -979660.000000
01-01 00:05:36.618  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.763310, y = 0.650848, z = -9.607183
01-01 00:05:36.662  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 78568.000000, y = -67100.000000, z = -979904.000000
01-01 00:05:36.663  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.770489, y = 0.658026, z = -9.609576
01-01 00:05:36.707  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76128.000000, y = -67588.000000, z = -979904.000000
01-01 00:05:36.708  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.746561, y = 0.662812, z = -9.609576
01-01 00:05:36.752  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75884.000000, y = -69784.000000, z = -980148.000000
01-01 00:05:36.752  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.744168, y = 0.684347, z = -9.611969
01-01 00:05:36.796  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76616.000000, y = -67344.000000, z = -978928.000000
01-01 00:05:36.797  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.751346, y = 0.660419, z = -9.600004
01-01 00:05:36.841  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75396.000000, y = -68808.000000, z = -980148.000000
01-01 00:05:36.842  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.739382, y = 0.674776, z = -9.611969
01-01 00:05:36.886  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76860.000000, y = -69052.000000, z = -979172.000000
01-01 00:05:36.886  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.753739, y = 0.677169, z = -9.602397
01-01 00:05:36.931  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 77836.000000, y = -67100.000000, z = -989420.000000
01-01 00:05:36.931  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.763310, y = 0.658026, z = -9.702896
01-01 00:05:36.976  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 77348.000000, y = -71492.000000, z = -997960.000000
01-01 00:05:36.976  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.758525, y = 0.701097, z = -9.786645
01-01 00:05:37.020  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75396.000000, y = -67832.000000, z = -971608.000000
01-01 00:05:37.021  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.739382, y = 0.665205, z = -9.528220
01-01 00:05:37.065  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 78080.000000, y = -67344.000000, z = -983564.000000
01-01 00:05:37.066  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.765703, y = 0.660419, z = -9.645468
01-01 00:05:37.110  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76128.000000, y = -69784.000000, z = -979904.000000
01-01 00:05:37.111  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.746561, y = 0.684347, z = -9.609576
01-01 00:05:37.154  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 77592.000000, y = -68076.000000, z = -977220.000000
01-01 00:05:37.155  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.760918, y = 0.667598, z = -9.583255
01-01 00:05:37.200  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 77104.000000, y = -69052.000000, z = -978928.000000
01-01 00:05:37.200  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.756132, y = 0.677169, z = -9.600004
01-01 00:05:37.245  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 77592.000000, y = -67588.000000, z = -979172.000000
01-01 00:05:37.246  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.760918, y = 0.662812, z = -9.602397
01-01 00:05:37.281  2114  2344 E system_server: 00:05:37.280|P|        lal_router.c.0578| Critical error: Error creating IO port
01-01 00:05:37.285  2114  2344 E system_server: 00:05:37.284|E|         lal_state.c.0390| ERR: lal_state_handle_transition [errno: 111:Connection refused]
01-01 00:05:37.291  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76372.000000, y = -67588.000000, z = -978196.000000
01-01 00:05:37.291  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.748954, y = 0.662812, z = -9.592826
01-01 00:05:37.333  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 77592.000000, y = -68808.000000, z = -978928.000000
01-01 00:05:37.334  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.760918, y = 0.674776, z = -9.600004
01-01 00:05:37.381  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 77104.000000, y = -68076.000000, z = -977464.000000
01-01 00:05:37.381  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.756132, y = 0.667598, z = -9.585648
01-01 00:05:37.420  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 77592.000000, y = -68320.000000, z = -978928.000000
01-01 00:05:37.420  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.760918, y = 0.669990, z = -9.600004
01-01 00:05:37.459  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 77348.000000, y = -68076.000000, z = -978684.000000
01-01 00:05:37.459  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.758525, y = 0.667598, z = -9.597611
01-01 00:05:37.507  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76616.000000, y = -68564.000000, z = -977708.000000
01-01 00:05:37.508  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.751346, y = 0.672383, z = -9.588040
01-01 00:05:37.553  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 77348.000000, y = -69540.000000, z = -979660.000000
01-01 00:05:37.553  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.758525, y = 0.681954, z = -9.607183
01-01 00:05:37.598  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 77592.000000, y = -67100.000000, z = -977708.000000
01-01 00:05:37.598  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.760918, y = 0.658026, z = -9.588040
01-01 00:05:37.642  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76128.000000, y = -69784.000000, z = -977708.000000
01-01 00:05:37.643  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.746561, y = 0.684347, z = -9.588040
01-01 00:05:37.687  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76616.000000, y = -69296.000000, z = -978928.000000
01-01 00:05:37.688  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.751346, y = 0.679562, z = -9.600004
01-01 00:05:37.708  2114  2136 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to screen timeout (uid 1000)...
01-01 00:05:37.735  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76128.000000, y = -69296.000000, z = -978928.000000
01-01 00:05:37.736  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.746561, y = 0.679562, z = -9.600004
01-01 00:05:37.743  2114  2136 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
01-01 00:05:37.771  2114  2136 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000,  [390x390]-format:1
01-01 00:05:37.775  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 77592.000000, y = -68076.000000, z = -977220.000000
01-01 00:05:37.775  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.760918, y = 0.667598, z = -9.583255
01-01 00:05:37.779  2126  2126 W android.bg: type=1400 audit(0.0:96): avc: denied { read } for name="mem" dev="debugfs" ino=5506 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-01 00:05:37.797  2114  2126 E         : libmemtrack-hw -- Couldn't open the directory - /d/mali/mem/ 
01-01 00:05:37.814  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75152.000000, y = -68320.000000, z = -979172.000000
01-01 00:05:37.814  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.736989, y = 0.669990, z = -9.602397
01-01 00:05:37.815  2252  2252 W FingerprintManager: isFingerprintHardwareDetected(): Service not connected!
01-01 00:05:37.853  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 77592.000000, y = -68320.000000, z = -977464.000000
01-01 00:05:37.853  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.760918, y = 0.669990, z = -9.585648
01-01 00:05:37.894  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76128.000000, y = -68564.000000, z = -977952.000000
01-01 00:05:37.894  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.746561, y = 0.672383, z = -9.590433
01-01 00:05:37.933  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76616.000000, y = -69540.000000, z = -987956.000000
01-01 00:05:37.933  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.751346, y = 0.681954, z = -9.688539
01-01 00:05:37.972  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 68564.000000, y = -61732.000000, z = -915000.000000
01-01 00:05:37.972  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.672383, y = 0.605384, z = -8.973085
01-01 00:05:38.011  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76128.000000, y = -68076.000000, z = -968924.000000
01-01 00:05:38.011  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.746561, y = 0.667598, z = -9.501899
01-01 00:05:38.051  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 74908.000000, y = -68808.000000, z = -982100.000000
01-01 00:05:38.051  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.734597, y = 0.674776, z = -9.631111
01-01 00:05:38.094  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76860.000000, y = -69296.000000, z = -990640.000000
01-01 00:05:38.094  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.753739, y = 0.679562, z = -9.714860
01-01 00:05:38.137  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75884.000000, y = -69540.000000, z = -982832.000000
01-01 00:05:38.137  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.744168, y = 0.681954, z = -9.638289
01-01 00:05:38.178  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 81740.000000, y = -66368.000000, z = -997960.000000
01-01 00:05:38.178  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.801596, y = 0.650848, z = -9.786645
01-01 00:05:38.224  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 68076.000000, y = -72712.000000, z = -976244.000000
01-01 00:05:38.225  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.667598, y = 0.713061, z = -9.573684
01-01 00:05:38.267  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76860.000000, y = -68564.000000, z = -1007720.000000
01-01 00:05:38.267  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.753739, y = 0.672383, z = -9.882358
01-01 00:05:38.292  2114  2344 E system_server: 00:05:38.292|P|        lal_router.c.0578| Critical error: Error creating IO port
01-01 00:05:38.294  2114  2344 E system_server: 00:05:38.293|E|         lal_state.c.0390| ERR: lal_state_handle_transition [errno: 111:Connection refused]
01-01 00:05:38.308  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = -176168.000000, y = -313052.000000, z = -1031632.000000
01-01 00:05:38.308  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = -1.727618, y = 3.069992, z = -10.116855
01-01 00:05:38.336  2114  2195 I lights  : LIGHTS write_brightness 0
01-01 00:05:38.339  2114  2136 I Sensors : [QLST][virtual int ql_sensorhub_Sensor::setEnable(int32_t, int) : 203]  Entered
01-01 00:05:38.339  2114  2136 D Sensors : [QLST] handle = 1 enable = 0 mEnaled = 1 what = 0
01-01 00:05:38.339  2114  2136 D Sensors : [QLST] mEnabled  = 0
01-01 00:05:38.339  2114  2136 D Sensors : [QLST] attr_path = /sys/qlsensor/accel_enable
01-01 00:05:38.340  2114  2136 E Sensors : [QLST] success to qlsensor::enable
01-01 00:05:38.341  2114  2136 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurnedOff()
01-01 00:05:38.360  2114  2136 E libEGL  : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread)
01-01 00:05:38.361  2114  2134 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", OFF
01-01 00:05:38.365  1809  1809 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=0, type=0 flinger=0xf6f32000
01-01 00:05:38.365  1809  1809 I hwcomposer: int exynos_setPowerMode(struct hwc_composer_device_1 *, int, int):: disp(0), mode(0)
01-01 00:05:39.030  2114  2195 D SurfaceControl: Excessive delay in setPowerMode(): 668ms
01-01 00:05:39.035  2252  2252 W FingerprintManager: isFingerprintHardwareDetected(): Service not connected!
01-01 00:05:39.070  2114  2282 W BroadcastQueue: Skipping deliver [foreground] BroadcastRecord{2a9dc03 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON} to ReceiverList{b244ccf 2358 com.android.phone/1001/u0 remote:7e2f92e}: process crashing
01-01 00:05:39.070  2114  2127 W BroadcastQueue: Skipping deliver [foreground] BroadcastRecord{2a9dc03 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON} to ReceiverList{d9b689 2358 com.android.phone/1001/u0 remote:3ed6d90}: process crashing
01-01 00:05:39.096  2114  2282 W BroadcastQueue: Skipping deliver [foreground] BroadcastRecord{adc780 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF} to ReceiverList{b244ccf 2358 com.android.phone/1001/u0 remote:7e2f92e}: process crashing
01-01 00:05:39.096  2114  2127 W BroadcastQueue: Skipping deliver [foreground] BroadcastRecord{adc780 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF} to ReceiverList{d9b689 2358 com.android.phone/1001/u0 remote:3ed6d90}: process crashing
01-01 00:05:39.298  2114  2344 E system_server: 00:05:39.298|P|        lal_router.c.0578| Critical error: Error creating IO port
01-01 00:05:39.299  2114  2344 E system_server: 00:05:39.298|E|         lal_state.c.0390| ERR: lal_state_handle_transition [errno: 111:Connection refused]
01-01 00:05:39.349  2742  2742 W RILReceiver1: type=1400 audit(0.0:97): avc: denied { write } for name="rild2" dev="tmpfs" ino=1767 scontext=u:r:radio:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:socket_device:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
01-01 00:05:40.309  2114  2344 E system_server: 00:05:40.308|P|        lal_router.c.0578| Critical error: Error creating IO port
01-01 00:05:40.312  2114  2344 E system_server: 00:05:40.311|E|         lal_state.c.0390| ERR: lal_state_handle_transition [errno: 111:Connection refused]
01-01 00:05:40.409  2841  2841 W gpsd    : type=1400 audit(0.0:98): avc: denied { add_name } for name="gnssd.pid" scontext=u:r:gpsd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-01 00:05:41.322  2114  2344 E system_server: 00:05:41.321|P|        lal_router.c.0578| Critical error: Error creating IO port
01-01 00:05:41.325  2114  2344 E system_server: 00:05:41.324|E|         lal_state.c.0390| ERR: lal_state_handle_transition [errno: 111:Connection refused]
01-01 00:05:41.369  2838  2838 W cbd     : type=1400 audit(0.0:99): avc: denied { dac_override } for capability=1 scontext=u:r:cbd:s0 tcontext=u:r:cbd:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
01-01 00:05:41.369  2838  2838 W cbd     : type=1400 audit(0.0:100): avc: denied { dac_read_search } for capability=2 scontext=u:r:cbd:s0 tcontext=u:r:cbd:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
01-01 00:05:41.429  2842  2842 W cbd     : type=1400 audit(0.0:101): avc: denied { open } for path="/dev/kmsg" dev="tmpfs" ino=6889 scontext=u:r:cbd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:kmsg_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=0
01-01 00:05:41.439  2842  2842 W cbd     : type=1400 audit(0.0:102): avc: denied { open } for path="/proc/cmdline" dev="proc" ino=4026534887 scontext=u:r:cbd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
01-01 00:05:41.448  2842  2842 D CBD     : *** CBD start ***
01-01 00:05:42.335  2114  2344 E system_server: 00:05:42.334|P|        lal_router.c.0578| Critical error: Error creating IO port
01-01 00:05:42.338  2114  2344 E system_server: 00:05:42.337|E|         lal_state.c.0390| ERR: lal_state_handle_transition [errno: 111:Connection refused]
01-01 00:05:42.393  2114  2151 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from sleep (uid 1000)...
01-01 00:05:42.395  2114  2114 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onStartedWakingUp()
01-01 00:05:42.397  2114  2136 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn.
01-01 00:05:42.503  2114  2136 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurnedOn(showListener = com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager$2@9c721b9)
01-01 00:05:42.504  1809  1809 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0xf6f32000
01-01 00:05:42.504  1809  1809 I hwcomposer: int exynos_setPowerMode(struct hwc_composer_device_1 *, int, int):: disp(0), mode(2)
01-01 00:05:42.531  2114  2125 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: **** SHOWN CALLED ****
01-01 00:05:42.540  2114  2253 W BroadcastQueue: Skipping deliver [foreground] BroadcastRecord{425e9fe u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON} to ReceiverList{b244ccf 2358 com.android.phone/1001/u0 remote:7e2f92e}: process crashing
01-01 00:05:42.540  2114  2127 W BroadcastQueue: Skipping deliver [foreground] BroadcastRecord{425e9fe u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON} to ReceiverList{d9b689 2358 com.android.phone/1001/u0 remote:3ed6d90}: process crashing
01-01 00:05:43.339  2742  2742 W RILReceiver1: type=1400 audit(0.0:103): avc: denied { write } for name="rild2" dev="tmpfs" ino=1767 scontext=u:r:radio:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:socket_device:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
01-01 00:05:43.348  2114  2344 E system_server: 00:05:43.347|P|        lal_router.c.0578| Critical error: Error creating IO port
01-01 00:05:43.351  2114  2344 E system_server: 00:05:43.350|E|         lal_state.c.0390| ERR: lal_state_handle_transition [errno: 111:Connection refused]
01-01 00:05:44.159  2114  2195 D SurfaceControl: Excessive delay in setPowerMode(): 1654ms
01-01 00:05:44.163  2358  2358 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 2358 SIG: 9
01-01 00:05:44.166  2114  2134 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON
01-01 00:05:44.202  2114  2128 I WindowManager: Destroying surface Surface(name=Application Error: com.android.phone) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2014 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:881 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.removeLocked:1449 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.removeWindowInnerLocked:2478 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.removeWindowLocked:2436 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.removeWindowLocked:2305 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.removeWindow:2300 com.android.server.wm.Session.remove:193 
01-01 00:05:44.206  2114  2128 W AppOps  : Finishing op nesting under-run: uid 1000 pkg android code 24 time=0 duration=0 nesting=0
01-01 00:05:44.219  2126  2126 W android.bg: type=1400 audit(0.0:104): avc: denied { read } for name="mem" dev="debugfs" ino=5506 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-01 00:05:44.223  2114  2128 W InputEventReceiver: Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed.
01-01 00:05:44.227  2114  2126 E         : libmemtrack-hw -- Couldn't open the directory - /d/mali/mem/ 
01-01 00:05:44.259  2126  2126 W android.bg: type=1400 audit(0.0:105): avc: denied { read } for name="mem" dev="debugfs" ino=5506 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-01 00:05:44.272  2114  2126 E         : libmemtrack-hw -- Couldn't open the directory - /d/mali/mem/ 
01-01 00:05:44.274  2114  2282 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@4e7dbac attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@eaf2075, token = android.os.BinderProxy@6f96296
01-01 00:05:44.283  2114  2128 I Sensors : [QLST][virtual int ql_sensorhub_Sensor::setEnable(int32_t, int) : 203]  Entered
01-01 00:05:44.283  2114  2128 D Sensors : [QLST] handle = 1 enable = 1 mEnaled = 0 what = 0
01-01 00:05:44.283  2114  2128 D Sensors : [QLST] mEnabled  = 1
01-01 00:05:44.283  2114  2128 D Sensors : [QLST] attr_path = /sys/qlsensor/accel_enable
01-01 00:05:44.284  2114  2128 E Sensors : [QLST] success to qlsensor::enable
01-01 00:05:44.284  2114  2147 E Sensors : unknown message on wake queue (0x57)
01-01 00:05:44.284  2114  2128 I Sensors : [QLST] attr_path = /sys/qlsensor/accel_pollrate_ms
01-01 00:05:44.285  2114  2136 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on after 1888 ms
01-01 00:05:44.287  2114  2136 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurnedOn()
01-01 00:05:44.288  2114  2195 I lights  : LIGHTS write_brightness 102
01-01 00:05:44.293  1808  1808 I ServiceManager: service 'isub' died
01-01 00:05:44.295  2114  2429 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.phone (pid 2358) has died
01-01 00:05:44.303  2114  2429 W ActivityManager: Re-adding persistent process ProcessRecord{8830cf5 2358:com.android.phone/1001}
01-01 00:05:44.323  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76372.000000, y = -67832.000000, z = -981124.000000
01-01 00:05:44.323  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.748954, y = 0.665205, z = -9.621540
01-01 00:05:44.343  2114  2429 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2846:com.android.phone/1001 for restart com.android.phone
01-01 00:05:44.357  2114  2344 E system_server: 00:05:44.357|P|        lal_router.c.0578| Critical error: Error creating IO port
01-01 00:05:44.357  2114  2344 E system_server: 00:05:44.357|E|         lal_state.c.0390| ERR: lal_state_handle_transition [errno: 111:Connection refused]
01-01 00:05:44.362  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 74176.000000, y = -69296.000000, z = -983808.000000
01-01 00:05:44.362  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.727418, y = 0.679562, z = -9.647861
01-01 00:05:44.377  2399  2399 D SimSelectNotification: sim state is not Absent or Loaded
01-01 00:05:44.412  2506  2506 D [ ARICENT_IMS_SERVICE]: ************* AriIMSSimStateListnerReciever ************* action : android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED
01-01 00:05:44.412  2506  2506 D [ ARICENT_IMS_SERVICE]: AriIMSSimStateListnerReciever  simStatus : NOT_READY slotId : 0
01-01 00:05:44.414  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76372.000000, y = -70028.000000, z = -982344.000000
01-01 00:05:44.414  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.748954, y = 0.686740, z = -9.633504
01-01 00:05:44.418  2796  2796 D SimStateReceiver: received broadcast android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED
01-01 00:05:44.418  2796  2796 D SimStateReceiver: ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED intent received on sub = 1SIM STATE IS NOT_READY
01-01 00:05:44.421  2796  2796 D SimContactsService: service onStart!
01-01 00:05:44.422  2796  2796 D SimContactsService: on sim state changed event, state:2
01-01 00:05:44.427  2846  2846 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/TeleService/lib/arm
01-01 00:05:44.493  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75640.000000, y = -68808.000000, z = -981124.000000
01-01 00:05:44.493  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.741775, y = 0.674776, z = -9.621540
01-01 00:05:44.495  2796  2796 D SimContactsService: deleteDatabaseSimContacts
01-01 00:05:44.521  2846  2846 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/TelephonyProvider/lib/arm
01-01 00:05:44.540  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75396.000000, y = -68808.000000, z = -984052.000000
01-01 00:05:44.540  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.739382, y = 0.674776, z = -9.650254
01-01 00:05:44.568  2846  2846 D TelephonyProvider: dbh.onOpen: ok, queried table=siminfo
01-01 00:05:44.568  2846  2846 D TelephonyProvider: dbh.onOpen: ok, queried table=carriers
01-01 00:05:44.581  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 74908.000000, y = -67344.000000, z = -981856.000000
01-01 00:05:44.581  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.734597, y = 0.660419, z = -9.628718
01-01 00:05:44.590  2846  2846 V PhoneApp: onCreate()...
01-01 00:05:44.620  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 74664.000000, y = -68564.000000, z = -983076.000000
01-01 00:05:44.620  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.732204, y = 0.672383, z = -9.640682
01-01 00:05:44.639  2865  2865 W RILReceiver1: type=1400 audit(0.0:106): avc: denied { write } for name="rild2" dev="tmpfs" ino=1767 scontext=u:r:radio:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:socket_device:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
01-01 00:05:44.659  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 74908.000000, y = -68564.000000, z = -984052.000000
01-01 00:05:44.659  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.734597, y = 0.672383, z = -9.650254
01-01 00:05:44.698  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 74908.000000, y = -65880.000000, z = -985028.000000
01-01 00:05:44.698  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.734597, y = 0.646062, z = -9.659825
01-01 00:05:44.738  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75396.000000, y = -66612.000000, z = -980392.000000
01-01 00:05:44.738  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.739382, y = 0.653241, z = -9.614362
01-01 00:05:44.771  2252  2252 W KeyguardUpdateMonitor: invalid subId in handleSimStateChange()
01-01 00:05:44.773  2506  2506 D [ ARICENT_IMS_SERVICE]: ************* AriSimStateChangeReceiver ************* action : android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED
01-01 00:05:44.773  2506  2506 D [ ARICENT_IMS_SERVICE]: AriSimStateChangeReceiver simStatus : NOT_READY slotId : 0
01-01 00:05:44.779  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 73932.000000, y = -67100.000000, z = -981612.000000
01-01 00:05:44.779  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.725025, y = 0.658026, z = -9.626326
01-01 00:05:44.820  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 73688.000000, y = -66612.000000, z = -984540.000000
01-01 00:05:44.820  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.722632, y = 0.653241, z = -9.655040
01-01 00:05:44.863  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 74664.000000, y = -67588.000000, z = -982100.000000
01-01 00:05:44.863  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.732204, y = 0.662812, z = -9.631111
01-01 00:05:44.902  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75884.000000, y = -65392.000000, z = -979904.000000
01-01 00:05:44.902  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.744168, y = 0.641276, z = -9.609576
01-01 00:05:44.940  2252  2252 W KeyguardUpdateMonitor: invalid subId in handleSimStateChange()
01-01 00:05:44.941  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75640.000000, y = -67588.000000, z = -984296.000000
01-01 00:05:44.941  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.741775, y = 0.662812, z = -9.652647
01-01 00:05:44.980  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75152.000000, y = -66612.000000, z = -985028.000000
01-01 00:05:44.980  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.736989, y = 0.653241, z = -9.659825
01-01 00:05:45.023  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 73932.000000, y = -67344.000000, z = -975512.000000
01-01 00:05:45.023  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.725025, y = 0.660419, z = -9.566505
01-01 00:05:45.062  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 74420.000000, y = -68320.000000, z = -977220.000000
01-01 00:05:45.062  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.729811, y = 0.669990, z = -9.583255
01-01 00:05:45.069  2506  2506 D [ ARICENT_IMS_SERVICE]: AriSimStateChangeReceiver : Sim State unknown
01-01 00:05:45.069  2506  2506 D [ ARICENT_IMS_SERVICE]: ************* AriSimStateChangeReceiver ************* action : android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED
01-01 00:05:45.069  2506  2506 D [ ARICENT_IMS_SERVICE]: AriSimStateChangeReceiver simStatus : NOT_READY slotId : 1
01-01 00:05:45.070  2846  2846 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
01-01 00:05:45.071  2846  2846 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
01-01 00:05:45.071  2846  2846 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.android.phone, PID: 2846
01-01 00:05:45.071  2846  2846 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create application com.android.phone.PhoneApp: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'android.os.IBinder android.os.IAriNativeImsService.getAricentIMSService(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference
01-01 00:05:45.071  2846  2846 E AndroidRuntime:    at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:5364)
01-01 00:05:45.071  2846  2846 E AndroidRuntime:    at android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap2(ActivityThread.java)
01-01 00:05:45.071  2846  2846 E AndroidRuntime:    at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1528)
01-01 00:05:45.071  2846  2846 E AndroidRuntime:    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
01-01 00:05:45.071  2846  2846 E AndroidRuntime:    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:154)
01-01 00:05:45.071  2846  2846 E AndroidRuntime:    at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6077)
01-01 00:05:45.071  2846  2846 E AndroidRuntime:    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
01-01 00:05:45.071  2846  2846 E AndroidRuntime:    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:865)
01-01 00:05:45.071  2846  2846 E AndroidRuntime:    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:755)
01-01 00:05:45.071  2846  2846 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'android.os.IBinder android.os.IAriNativeImsService.getAricentIMSService(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference
01-01 00:05:45.071  2846  2846 E AndroidRuntime:    at com.android.ims.ImsManager.isServiceAvailable(ImsManager.java:780)
01-01 00:05:45.071  2846  2846 E AndroidRuntime:    at com.android.internal.telephony.Phone.startMonitoringImsService(Phone.java:561)
01-01 00:05:45.071  2846  2846 E AndroidRuntime:    at com.android.internal.telephony.PhoneFactory.makeDefaultPhone(PhoneFactory.java:214)
01-01 00:05:45.071  2846  2846 E AndroidRuntime:    at com.android.internal.telephony.PhoneFactory.makeDefaultPhones(PhoneFactory.java:90)
01-01 00:05:45.071  2846  2846 E AndroidRuntime:    at com.android.phone.PhoneGlobals.onCreate(PhoneGlobals.java:283)
01-01 00:05:45.071  2846  2846 E AndroidRuntime:    at com.android.phone.PhoneApp.onCreate(PhoneApp.java:41)
01-01 00:05:45.071  2846  2846 E AndroidRuntime:    at android.app.Instrumentation.callApplicationOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1024)
01-01 00:05:45.071  2846  2846 E AndroidRuntime:    at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:5361)
01-01 00:05:45.071  2846  2846 E AndroidRuntime:    ... 8 more
01-01 00:05:45.074  2114  2430 W ActivityManager: Process com.android.phone has crashed too many times: killing!
01-01 00:05:45.085  2506  2506 D [ ARICENT_IMS_SERVICE]: AriSimStateChangeReceiver : Sim State unknown
01-01 00:05:45.091  2399  2399 D SimSelectNotification: sim state is not Absent or Loaded
01-01 00:05:45.095  2506  2506 D [ ARICENT_IMS_SERVICE]: ************* AriIMSSimStateListnerReciever ************* action : android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED
01-01 00:05:45.095  2506  2506 D [ ARICENT_IMS_SERVICE]: AriIMSSimStateListnerReciever  simStatus : NOT_READY slotId : 1
01-01 00:05:45.101  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75640.000000, y = -69540.000000, z = -991372.000000
01-01 00:05:45.101  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.741775, y = 0.681954, z = -9.722038
01-01 00:05:45.142  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 74908.000000, y = -69784.000000, z = -984052.000000
01-01 00:05:45.142  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.734597, y = 0.684347, z = -9.650254
01-01 00:05:45.159  2114  2125 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2882:com.android.providers.calendar/u0a3 for broadcast com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarUpgradeReceiver
01-01 00:05:45.159  2114  2125 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 51ms so far, now at startProcess: done starting proc!
01-01 00:05:45.181  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75396.000000, y = -66856.000000, z = -983320.000000
01-01 00:05:45.181  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.739382, y = 0.655633, z = -9.643075
01-01 00:05:45.210  2114  2774 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
01-01 00:05:45.210  2114  2774 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1
01-01 00:05:45.220  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75396.000000, y = -67588.000000, z = -975512.000000
01-01 00:05:45.220  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.739382, y = 0.662812, z = -9.566505
01-01 00:05:45.226  2114  2774 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000,  [434x210]-format:1
01-01 00:05:45.261  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 74664.000000, y = -69540.000000, z = -986248.000000
01-01 00:05:45.261  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.732204, y = 0.681954, z = -9.671789
01-01 00:05:45.302  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75152.000000, y = -67344.000000, z = -985028.000000
01-01 00:05:45.302  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.736989, y = 0.660419, z = -9.659825
01-01 00:05:45.304  2882  2882 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/CalendarProvider/lib/arm
01-01 00:05:45.342  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75884.000000, y = -68320.000000, z = -985028.000000
01-01 00:05:45.343  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.744168, y = 0.669990, z = -9.659825
01-01 00:05:45.359  2114  2344 E system_server: 00:05:45.359|P|        lal_router.c.0578| Critical error: Error creating IO port
01-01 00:05:45.360  2114  2344 E system_server: 00:05:45.359|E|         lal_state.c.0390| ERR: lal_state_handle_transition [errno: 111:Connection refused]
01-01 00:05:45.384  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76616.000000, y = -67832.000000, z = -990396.000000
01-01 00:05:45.384  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.751346, y = 0.665205, z = -9.712467
01-01 00:05:45.427  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76128.000000, y = -69052.000000, z = -985760.000000
01-01 00:05:45.428  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.746561, y = 0.677169, z = -9.667004
01-01 00:05:45.433  2882  2882 I CalendarDatabaseHelper: Bootstrapping database
01-01 00:05:45.469  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76128.000000, y = -68564.000000, z = -983320.000000
01-01 00:05:45.469  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.746561, y = 0.672383, z = -9.643075
01-01 00:05:45.506  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76372.000000, y = -69784.000000, z = -987956.000000
01-01 00:05:45.506  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.748954, y = 0.684347, z = -9.688539
01-01 00:05:45.524  2882  2882 I CalendarProvider2: Created com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarAlarmManager@4554e0(com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarProvider2@2a19399)
01-01 00:05:45.545  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75396.000000, y = -69540.000000, z = -986248.000000
01-01 00:05:45.545  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.739382, y = 0.681954, z = -9.671789
01-01 00:05:45.551  2882  2882 I CalendarUpgradeReceiver: Creating or opening calendar database
01-01 00:05:45.555  2114  2253 I PreBootBroadcaster: Pre-boot of {com.android.providers.contacts/com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsUpgradeReceiver} for user 0
01-01 00:05:45.562  2796  2796 D SimStateReceiver: received broadcast android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED
01-01 00:05:45.567  2796  2796 D SimStateReceiver: ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED intent received on sub = 0SIM STATE IS NOT_READY
01-01 00:05:45.571  2796  2796 D SimContactsService: service onStart!
01-01 00:05:45.573  2796  2796 D SimContactsService: on sim state changed event, state:2
01-01 00:05:45.585  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76372.000000, y = -68564.000000, z = -986492.000000
01-01 00:05:45.585  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.748954, y = 0.672383, z = -9.674182
01-01 00:05:45.624  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75640.000000, y = -68320.000000, z = -985516.000000
01-01 00:05:45.625  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.741775, y = 0.669990, z = -9.664611
01-01 00:05:45.629  2796  2796 D SimContactsService: deleteDatabaseSimContacts
01-01 00:05:45.666  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75884.000000, y = -69296.000000, z = -986492.000000
01-01 00:05:45.667  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.744168, y = 0.679562, z = -9.674182
01-01 00:05:45.706  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75396.000000, y = -67832.000000, z = -985760.000000
01-01 00:05:45.706  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.739382, y = 0.665205, z = -9.667004
01-01 00:05:45.745  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 74908.000000, y = -67344.000000, z = -986004.000000
01-01 00:05:45.745  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.734597, y = 0.660419, z = -9.669396
01-01 00:05:45.785  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 74664.000000, y = -69296.000000, z = -987224.000000
01-01 00:05:45.785  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.732204, y = 0.679562, z = -9.681360
01-01 00:05:45.825  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 74908.000000, y = -68320.000000, z = -985272.000000
01-01 00:05:45.825  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.734597, y = 0.669990, z = -9.662218
01-01 00:05:45.868  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75152.000000, y = -69052.000000, z = -986248.000000
01-01 00:05:45.869  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.736989, y = 0.677169, z = -9.671789
01-01 00:05:45.910  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76616.000000, y = -68076.000000, z = -986248.000000
01-01 00:05:45.910  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.751346, y = 0.667598, z = -9.671789
01-01 00:05:45.954  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76372.000000, y = -67832.000000, z = -987224.000000
01-01 00:05:45.955  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.748954, y = 0.665205, z = -9.681360
01-01 00:05:46.000  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75152.000000, y = -68808.000000, z = -986736.000000
01-01 00:05:46.000  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.736989, y = 0.674776, z = -9.676575
01-01 00:05:46.038  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76860.000000, y = -69296.000000, z = -986736.000000
01-01 00:05:46.039  2897  2897 W gpsd    : type=1400 audit(0.0:107): avc: denied { add_name } for name="gnssd.pid" scontext=u:r:gpsd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
01-01 00:05:46.039  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.753739, y = 0.679562, z = -9.676575
01-01 00:05:46.078  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75396.000000, y = -68320.000000, z = -986736.000000
01-01 00:05:46.078  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.739382, y = 0.669990, z = -9.676575
01-01 00:05:46.083  2252  2317 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_MUSIC 10
01-01 00:05:46.117  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 74176.000000, y = -69296.000000, z = -987956.000000
01-01 00:05:46.118  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.727418, y = 0.679562, z = -9.688539
01-01 00:05:46.157  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75640.000000, y = -68320.000000, z = -983564.000000
01-01 00:05:46.157  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.741775, y = 0.669990, z = -9.645468
01-01 00:05:46.203  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 74176.000000, y = -69296.000000, z = -984296.000000
01-01 00:05:46.204  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.727418, y = 0.679562, z = -9.652647
01-01 00:05:46.246  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76616.000000, y = -67588.000000, z = -986248.000000
01-01 00:05:46.246  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.751346, y = 0.662812, z = -9.671789
01-01 00:05:46.287  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75640.000000, y = -70272.000000, z = -987712.000000
01-01 00:05:46.288  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.741775, y = 0.689133, z = -9.686146
01-01 00:05:46.339  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 75884.000000, y = -68808.000000, z = -988200.000000
01-01 00:05:46.340  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.744168, y = 0.674776, z = -9.690931
01-01 00:05:46.369  2114  2344 E system_server: 00:05:46.367|P|        lal_router.c.0578| Critical error: Error creating IO port
01-01 00:05:46.372  2114  2344 E system_server: 00:05:46.371|E|         lal_state.c.0390| ERR: lal_state_handle_transition [errno: 111:Connection refused]
01-01 00:05:46.378  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76128.000000, y = -66856.000000, z = -985272.000000
01-01 00:05:46.379  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.746561, y = 0.655633, z = -9.662218
01-01 00:05:46.419  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76616.000000, y = -68320.000000, z = -984540.000000
01-01 00:05:46.419  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.751346, y = 0.669990, z = -9.655040
01-01 00:05:46.458  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76372.000000, y = -67832.000000, z = -986736.000000
01-01 00:05:46.458  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel : x = 0.748954, y = 0.665205, z = -9.676575
01-01 00:05:46.459  2842  2842 W cbd     : type=1400 audit(0.0:108): avc: denied { dac_override } for capability=1 scontext=u:r:cbd:s0 tcontext=u:r:cbd:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
01-01 00:05:46.459  2842  2842 W cbd     : type=1400 audit(0.0:109): avc: denied { dac_read_search } for capability=2 scontext=u:r:cbd:s0 tcontext=u:r:cbd:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
01-01 00:05:46.509  2899  2899 W cbd     : type=1400 audit(0.0:110): avc: denied { open } for path="/dev/kmsg" dev="tmpfs" ino=6889 scontext=u:r:cbd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:kmsg_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=0
01-01 00:05:46.509  2899  2899 W cbd     : type=1400 audit(0.0:111): avc: denied { open } for path="/proc/cmdline" dev="proc" ino=4026534887 scontext=u:r:cbd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
01-01 00:05:46.520  2114  2147 D Sensors : [QLST] accel raw : x = 76372.000000, y = -68076.000000, z = -987712.000000
01-01 00:05:46.520  2899  2899 D CBD     : *** CBD start ***

以上是部分log信息 ,请大神解决,在线等!
  • 写回答

1条回答 默认 最新

  • 封烬杀 2017-09-27 06:05

    01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'android.os.IBinder android.os.IAriNativeImsService.getAricentIMSService(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference
    01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.ims.ImsManager.isServiceAvailable(ImsManager.java:780)
    01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.telephony.Phone.startMonitoringImsService(Phone.java:561)
    01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.telephony.PhoneFactory.makeDefaultPhone(PhoneFactory.java:214)
    01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.telephony.PhoneFactory.makeDefaultPhones(PhoneFactory.java:90)
    01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.phone.PhoneGlobals.onCreate(PhoneGlobals.java:283)
    01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.phone.PhoneApp.onCreate(PhoneApp.java:41)
    01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.Instrumentation.callApplicationOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1024)
    01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:5361)
    01-01 00:05:45.071 2846 2846 E AndroidRuntime: ... 8 more


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