
Plupload 前端预览大图片导致网页崩溃
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3条回答 默认 最新
- threenewbee 2018-01-05 10:28关注
官方文档说了Obviously client-side and specifically browser environment cannot be as powerful (not yet at least) as the server-side might be. So somewhere there must be a limitation on the resolution that might be handled in the browsers or their add-ons. We assume it to be 6500 by 6500 pixels (about 42MP). I say assume, because there's no way to figure out the actual top line or detect when browser (or its add-on) runs out of memory - if this happens it simply hangs (the best case). So we came up with the safe margin, where browser can still reliably operate (read - breathe) and if either side of the image is larger than that margin, Plupload will simply bail out and upload the image as is, without any tampering.
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