LAREINA.JO 2021-03-24 21:46 采纳率: 60%
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Java 通过LinkedList读写文件并通过JUnit4测试


package edu.ucalgary.ensf409;

import java.util.*;

public class ENSFStorage {
  private static final DIR = "data";
  private static final PREFIX = "Error: ";

  // One argument constructor
  public void ENSFStorage(String fileName) {
    this.fileName = fileName;

  public LinkedList<String> getDataElements() {
    return dataElements;

  // Return the fileName, which is a relative path
  public String getFileName() {
      return this.fileName;

  // Set the fileName
  public void setFileName(String fileName) {
    this.fileName = fileName;

  // Add a data element to the end of the list
  public void addDataElement(String dataElement) {

  // Given an element and an index, add the element to the list at that index, if it is in bounds.
  // If the file exists, keep it up-to-date
  public void addDataElement(String dataElement, int position) {

  // Read in the specified file by name.
  public void readFile(String fileName) {

  // Read in the file stored as member data.
  public void readfile() {
    BufferedReader file = null;

    // No filename was set
    if (this.fileName == null) {
      System.err.printf(PREFIX + "FileName must be specified with setter or method call.%n");

    // Empty out the current list, remove any concept of largest size
    // Read in the file
    try {
      file = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(this.fileName));
      String tmp = new String();
      while ((tmp = file.readLine()) != null) {

    catch (Exception e) {
      System.err.println(PREFIX + "I/O error opening/reading file.");


  // Delete file or directory
  public void cleanUp() {
    String absolute = System.getProperty("user.dir");
    File abs = new File(absolte);
    File path = new File(abs, this.fileName);

  // Write out the file
  public void writeFile() {
    File directory = new File(DIR);
    BufferedWriter file = null;

    // FileName must have been specified
    if (this.fileName == null) {
      System.err.printf(PREFIX  "FileName must be specified with setter or method call.%n");
    // Create directory if it doesn't exist; if it does exist, make sure it is a directory
    try {
      if (! directory.exists()) {
      } else {
        if (! directory.isDirectory()) {
          System.err.printf(PREFIX + "file %s exists but is not a directory.%n", DIR);
      cleanUp(); // Delete any existing file

    catch(Exception e) {
      System.err.printf(PREFIX + "unable to create directory %s.%n", DIR);

    try {
      file = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(this.fileName));

      // For each element, convert to char array and write char array
      // Ensure array is padded to set length
      Iterator<String> it = this.dataElements.iterator();
      while(it.hasNext()) {
        String tmp = new String(;
        file.write(tmp, 0, tmp.length());

    catch (Exception e) {
      System.err.println(PREFIX + "I/O error opening/writing file.");

  // writeFile while specifying fileName at same time
  public void writeFile(String fileName) {

/* Private methods */

  private closeWriter(BufferedWriter file) {
      try {
        if (file != null) {

      catch (Exception e) {
        System.err.println(PREFIX + "I/O error closing file.");

  private void closeReader(BufferedReader file) {
      try {
        if (file != null) {

      catch (Exception e) {
        System.err.println(PREFIX + "I/O error closing file.");

  // Give us the full relative path to the filename, OS independently
  private String getRelativePath(String filename) {
    File path = new File(DIR);
    File full = new File(path, filename);
    return full.getPath();

  // If the file has been written, a new element cannot be more chars
  // than the largest existing element
  private boolean checkSize(String arg) {
     if (arg.length() > this.getBiggestSize().length()) {
       return false;
     return true; 

  // Get the biggest element we have
  private String getBiggestSize() {
     var big = new String();
     Iterator<String> it = this.dataElements.iterator();
     while(it.hasNext()) {
       String maybe =;
       int tmp = maybe.length();
       if (tmp > big.length()) {
         big = maybe;
     return big;

  // Delete file or directory
  private void cleanUp(File theFile) {
    try {
      if (theFile.isDirectory()) {
        // Get all files in the directory
        File[] files = theFile.listFiles();
        // Recursively delete all files/subdirs
        if (files != null) {
          for(File f : files) {
      // Plain file or empty directory

    catch (Exception e) {
      System.err.printf(PREFIX + "unable to remove file %s.%n", this.fileName);


package edu.ucalgary.ensf409;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.*;
import java.util.*;

public class ENSFStorageTest {
  public final static String DIR = "data";
  public final static String FILE = "out.dat";

  // Constructor created with zero arguments
  // addDataElement() with one argument
  // Use getDataElements() to retrieve values
  public void testConstructor0Add1GetDataElements() {
    ENSFStorage storage = new ENSFStorage();

    // Create an array and add the lines
    String[] eDickinson = {
      "Because I could not stop for Death –",
      "He kindly stopped for me –",
      "The Carriage held but just Ourselves –",
      "And Immortality."
    for (String val:eDickinson) { 

    // Retrieve list, convert to array, see if it matches
    LinkedList<String> data = storage.getDataElements();
    String[] dataArray = data.toArray(new String[data.size()]);
    assertTrue("Adding data elements and retrieving complete list with getDataElements failed", Arrays.equals(eDickinson, dataArray));

  // Constructor created with zero arguments
  // addDataElement() with one argument
  // Use asSringArray() to retrieve values
  public void testConstructor0Add1AsStringArray() {
    ENSFStorage storage = new ENSFStorage();

    // Create an array and add the lines
    String[] rFrost = {
      "The only other sound's the sweep",
      "Of easy wind and downy flake.",
      "The woods are lovely, dark and deep,"
    for (String val:rFrost) {
    // Retrieve data as an array, see if it matches
    String[] dataArray = storage.asStringArray();
    assertTrue("Adding data elements and retrieving complete list with asStringArray failed", Arrays.equals(rFrost, dataArray));

  // Constructor created with zero arguments
  // addDataElement() with two arguments
  // Use getDataElements() to retrieve values
  public void testConstructor0Add2GetDataElements() {
    ENSFStorage storage = new ENSFStorage();
    // Create a list of Strings, then make an array of what is expected
    String line1 = "Whan that Aprill with his shoures soote";
    String line2 = "The droghte of March hath perced to the roote,";
    String line3 = "And bathed every veyne in swich licour";
    String line1alt = "When April with its sweet-smelling showers";
    String line2alt = "Has pierced the drought of March to the root,";
    String[] expected = { line1alt, line2alt, line3 };

    // Add three lines sequentially, then overwrite two of them
    storage.addDataElement(line1alt, 0);
    storage.addDataElement(line2alt, 1);
    // Retrieve list, convert to array, see if it matches
    LinkedList<String> data = storage.getDataElements();
    String[] dataArray = data.toArray(new String[data.size()]);
    assertTrue("Adding data elements and retrieving complete list with getDataElements failed", Arrays.equals(expected, dataArray));

  // Constructor created with one argument
  // Check if fileName is set (including data dir) using getFileName()
  public void testConstructor1getFileName() {
    String fn = "thefilename";
    String expected = addPath(fn);
    ENSFStorage storage = new ENSFStorage(fn); 

    String got = storage.getFileName();
    assertEquals("FileName wasn't correctly stored", expected, got);

  // Constructor created with one argument
  // Use setFileName, which should replace the stored value
  public void testConstructor1SetFileName1GetFileName() {
    String origfn = "thefilename";
    String newfn = "differentfile";
    String expected = addPath(newfn);
    ENSFStorage storage = new ENSFStorage(origfn); 

    // Replace fileName, see if it was replaced
    String got = storage.getFileName();
    assertEquals("setFileName() didn't replace stored FileName", expected, got);

  // Constructor created with zero arguments
  // writeFile() with 1 argument 
  // File does not already exist
  public void testConstructor0writeFile1File0() throws Exception {
    ENSFStorage storage = new ENSFStorage(); 

    // Add some lines of data
    String[] wOwen = {
      "In all my dreams before my helpless sight",
      "He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning."
    for (String val:wOwen) { // Add some lines of data

    // Write out to named file. The directory name should have been appended when
    // the filename was provided.

    // Read in the data file, ensure all lines match expectations
    String[] ret = readFile(addPath(FILE));
    boolean match = true;
    for (int i=0; i < ret.length; i++) {
      if (ret[i].equals(wOwen[i])==false) {
        match = false;
    assertTrue("Empty file incorrectly written (zero arg constructor)", match);

  // cleanUp() method removes the data file and directory
  public void testCleanUp() throws Exception {
    String[] original = writeTestData();

    // Create the constructor, delete the file
    ENSFStorage storage = new ENSFStorage(FILE);

    // Determine if file exists - it should not
    File fn = new File(addPath(FILE));
    assertFalse("File stored as fileName was not deleted", fn.exists());

  // Check method readFile() with 0 arguments, fileName already specified
  public void testReadFile0() throws Exception {
    String[] original = writeTestData();

    ENSFStorage storage = new ENSFStorage(FILE);
    String[] check = storage.asStringArray();
    assertTrue("Reading in the file with no arguments failed", Arrays.equals(original, check));

  // Check method readFile() with 1 argument
  public void testReadFile1() throws Exception {
    String[] original = writeTestData();

    ENSFStorage storage = new ENSFStorage();
    String[] check = storage.asStringArray();
    assertTrue("readFile() with one argument failed", Arrays.equals(original, check));

  // Read in file, modify file. File should be automatically written
  public void testModifyFile() throws Exception {
    String[] original = writeTestData();

    ENSFStorage storage = new ENSFStorage();

    // Data we will be inserting
    String[] tmp = {
      "Rare pears and greengages,",
      "Wild free-born cranberries,"

    // Create a new array of the data we expect to get
    // We are adding one element at the end, and overwriting the first element
    String[] expected = new String[original.length+1];
    for (int i=0; i < original.length; i++) {
      expected[i] = original[i];
    expected[0] = tmp[0];
    expected[original.length] = tmp[1];

    // Overwrite the elements. This should automatically write them to the file.
    storage.addDataElement(tmp[0], 0);

    // Check if the data in the file matches our expectations
    String[] check = readFile(addPath(FILE));
    assertTrue("addDataElement() automatically writes when data is changed on existing file", Arrays.equals(expected, check));

/* Tests involving expected System.exit() 
*  ExpectedSystemExit is provided by
*  which can be downloaded as a .jar from
*  or found in the provided lib directory.
*  Store together with the hamcrest and junit jar files, and include as part of javac/java calls:
*  .:lib/junit-4.13.2.jar:lib/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar:lib/system-rules-1.19.0.jar (Mac & Linux)
*  .;lib/junit-4.13.2.jar;lib/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar;lib/system-rules-1.19.0.jar (Windows)

  // Handle System.exit() status
  public final ExpectedSystemExit exit = ExpectedSystemExit.none();

  // If file already exists, we cannot add a line longer than the longest existing line
  public void testEnforcedLongestLine() throws Exception {
    String[] original = writeTestData();
    ENSFStorage storage = new ENSFStorage();

    // Try to add a really long line
    storage.addDataElement("A really long line which far exceeds the number of characters in the existing longest line");

  // Constructor created with zero arguments
  // addDataElement with 2 arguments and illegal position
  // Should give System.err message and exit(1)
  public void testConstructor0Add2TooHighIndex() {
    ENSFStorage storage = new ENSFStorage();

    // Add data to fill elements 0 and 1
    storage.addDataElement("Maybe January light will consume");
    storage.addDataElement("My heart with its cruel");

    // Try to add out of range, at element 3. We expect a system exit.
    storage.addDataElement("Ray, stealing my key to true calm.", 3);

  // Constructor created with zero arguments
  // addDataElement with 2 arguments and illegal position
  public void testConstructor0Add2NegativeIndex() {
    ENSFStorage storage = new ENSFStorage();

    // Try to add out of range, at element -1. We expect a system exit.
    storage.addDataElement("But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?", -1);

  // Constructor created with zero arguments
  // readFile() called with zero arguments
  public void testConstructor0ReadFile0() {
    ENSFStorage storage = new ENSFStorage();

    // File to read is never specified. We expect a system exit.

*  Pre- and Post-test processes

  public void start() {

  public void end() {

*  Utility methods to perform common routines 

  // Write data to file
  public void writeFile(String[] data) throws Exception {
    BufferedWriter file = null;
    File directory = new File(DIR);

    // Create directory if it doesn't exist 
    if (!directory.exists()) {
    String fn = addPath(FILE);
    file = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fn));

    for (String txt : data) {
      file.write(txt, 0, txt.length());

  // Remove directory or file, after determining the absolute path
  public void removeAllData(String file) {
    // Get the directory the program was called from and append the provided file/dir
    String absolute = System.getProperty("user.dir"); 
    File abs = new File(absolute);
    File path = new File(abs, file);

  // Remove directory or file, given File obj with absolute path
  public void removeAllData(File path) {
    // If there are files in the directory, we have to delete them first
    if (path.isDirectory()) {
      // Get all files in the directory
      File[] files = path.listFiles();

      // Recursively delete all files/subdirs
      if (files != null) {
        for(File f : files) {
    // Plain file or empty directory

  // Add a directory path to a file
  public String addPath(String file) {
    File path = new File(DIR);
    File full = new File(path, file);
    return full.getPath();
  // Read in a specified file, given path+filename
  public String[] readFile(String fileAndPath) throws Exception {
    BufferedReader file = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileAndPath));
    String tmp = new String();
    ArrayList<String> contents = new ArrayList<String>();

    while ((tmp = file.readLine()) != null) {

    return contents.toArray(new String[contents.size()]);

  public String[] writeTestData() throws Exception {
    // Create some data and write it to the file
    String[] cRossetti = {
      "Apples and quinces,",
      "Lemons and oranges,",
      "Plump unpeck’d cherries,",
      "Melons and raspberries,",
      "Bloom-down-cheek’d peaches,",
      "Swart-headed mulberries,"
    return cRossetti;


还有一个jar文件,用于test文件中,链接在这里  密码: l91r


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