明心见性者 2021-07-27 20:19 采纳率: 100%
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matlab my_msvc_32bit_tc.m 文件谁知道在哪里能下载?在matlab目下

matlab my_msvc_32bit_tc.m 文件谁知道在哪里能下载?或者给我发一份也可以



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  • CSDN专家-Matlab_Fans 2021-07-27 23:01



    function [ toolchainObjectHandle ] = my_msvc_32bit_tc( compilerVersion )
    % [ toolchainObjectHandle ] = my_msvc_32bit_tc( compilerVersion ) returns a
    % coder.make.ToolchainInfo object handle, where the Microsoft Compiler
    % Version (compilerVersion) being used is one of the following:
    % {'9.0', '10.0', '11.0', '12.0', '14.0', '15.0', '16.0'}
    % The general idea is that we need to call the compiler and linker in
    % 32-bit mode and feed the correct flags to create a ".dll".
    % In particular, the string that we assign to "ShellSetup" does NOT include any
    % 64-bit-related flags.  The "ShellSetup" is a string that is run in DOS
    % and eventually drives the "make" process. In the 64-bit toolchain
    % examples elsewhere, this string includes a flag to start the compiler in
    % 64-bit mode. By removing the flag, we let the compiler be called in its
    % default, 32-bit, mode.
    thisFilesFullName = mfilename( 'fullpath' );
    preExecutionMessage = ...
        [ 'Executing "', thisFilesFullName, '"...' ];
    disp( preExecutionMessage );
    compilationPlatform = 'win64';
    switch compilationPlatform
        case 'win64'
            versions = { '9.0', '10.0', '11.0', '12.0', '14.0', '15.0', '16.0'};
            qualifiers = ...
                { ...
                'Visual C++ 2008', ...
                'Visual C++ 2010', ...
                'Visual C++ 2012' ...
                'Visual C++ 2013' ...
                'Visual C++ 2015' ...
                'Visual C++ 2017' ...
                'Visual C++ 2019' ...
            error( 'This approach is only designed to run on 64-bit Windows.' );
    name = ['Microsoft ' qualifiers{ strcmpi(compilerVersion, versions) }, ' (32 bit)'  ];
    compilerOptionString = ' amd64_x86';
    % Construct the toolchain object
    toolchainObjectHandle = coder.make.ToolchainInfo( ...
        'Name',                 [name ' | nmake makefile (64-bit Windows)'], ...
        'BuildArtifact',        'nmake makefile', ...
        'Platform',             compilationPlatform, ...
        'SupportedVersion',     compilerVersion, ...
        'Revision',             '1.0' );
    switch( compilerVersion )
        case '8.0'
            compilerPathOperatingSystemEnvironmentVariable = '%VS80COMNTOOLS%';
            compilerSetUpOperatingSystemCommandRelativeName = '..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat';
            mexOptsFile = '$(MATLAB_ROOT)\bin\$(ARCH)\mexopts\msvc80opts.bat';
            compilerThreadingFlag = '/MD';
            matlabSetupCommand = [ ];
            matlabCleanupCommand = [ ];
            inlinedCommands = '!include <ntwin32.mak>';
            compilerOptionString = ' x86';
        case '9.0'
            compilerPathOperatingSystemEnvironmentVariable = '%VS90COMNTOOLS%';
            compilerSetUpOperatingSystemCommandRelativeName = '..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat';
            mexOptsFile = '$(MATLAB_ROOT)\bin\$(ARCH)\mexopts\msvc90opts.bat';
            compilerThreadingFlag = '/MD';
            matlabSetupCommand = [ ];
            matlabCleanupCommand = [ ];
            inlinedCommands = '!include <ntwin32.mak>';
            compilerOptionString = ' x86';
        case '10.0'
            compilerPathOperatingSystemEnvironmentVariable  = '%VS100COMNTOOLS%';
            compilerSetUpOperatingSystemCommandRelativeName = '..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat';
            mexOptsFile = '$(MATLAB_ROOT)\bin\$(ARCH)\mexopts\msvc100opts.bat';
            compilerThreadingFlag = '';
            matlabSetupCommand = [ ];
            matlabCleanupCommand = [ ];
            inlinedCommands = '!include <ntwin32.mak>';
            compilerOptionString = ' x86';
        case '11.0'
            compilerPathOperatingSystemEnvironmentVariable  = '%VS110COMNTOOLS%';
            compilerSetUpOperatingSystemCommandRelativeName = '..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat';
            mexOptsFile = '$(MATLAB_ROOT)\bin\$(ARCH)\mexopts\msvc110opts.bat';
            compilerThreadingFlag = '';
            matlabSetupCommand = [ ];
            matlabCleanupCommand = [ ];
            inlinedCommands = '!include $(MATLAB_ROOT)\rtw\c\tools\vcdefs.mak';
            compilerOptionString = ' x86';
        case '12.0'
            compilerPathOperatingSystemEnvironmentVariable  = '%VS120COMNTOOLS%';
            compilerSetUpOperatingSystemCommandRelativeName = '..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat';
            mexOptsFile = '$(MATLAB_ROOT)\bin\$(ARCH)\mexopts\msvc2013.xml';
            compilerThreadingFlag = '';
            matlabSetupCommand = [ ];
            matlabCleanupCommand = [ ];
            inlinedCommands = '!include $(MATLAB_ROOT)\rtw\c\tools\vcdefs.mak';
        case '14.0'
            compilerPathOperatingSystemEnvironmentVariable  = '%VS140COMNTOOLS%';
            compilerSetUpOperatingSystemCommandRelativeName = '..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat';
            mexOptsFile = '$(MATLAB_ROOT)\bin\$(ARCH)\mexopts\msvc2015.xml';
            compilerThreadingFlag = '';
            matlabSetupCommand = [ ];
            matlabCleanupCommand = [ ];
            inlinedCommands = '!include $(MATLAB_ROOT)\rtw\c\tools\vcdefs.mak';
        case '15.0'
            compilers = mex.getCompilerConfigurations('C', 'Installed');
            mscv2017 = compilers(ismember({compilers(:).Name}', 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 (C)'));
            if isempty(mscv2017)
                error('An installation of Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 cannot be detected');
            setenv('VS15ROOTDIR', fullfile(mscv2017.Location));
            compilerPathOperatingSystemEnvironmentVariable  = '%VS15ROOTDIR%';
            compilerSetUpOperatingSystemCommandRelativeName = '\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat';
            mexOptsFile = '$(MATLAB_ROOT)\bin\$(ARCH)\mexopts\msvc2017.xml';
            compilerThreadingFlag = '';
            matlabSetupCommand = [];
            matlabCleanupCommand = [ ];
            inlinedCommands = '!include $(MATLAB_ROOT)\rtw\c\tools\vcdefs.mak';
            toolchainObjectHandle.ShellSetup{1} = 'set "VSCMD_START_DIR=%CD%"';
        case '16.0'
            compilers = mex.getCompilerConfigurations('C', 'Installed');
            mscv2019 = compilers(ismember({compilers(:).Name}', 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 (C)'));
            if isempty(mscv2019)
                error('An installation of Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 cannot be detected');
            setenv('VS16ROOTDIR', fullfile(mscv2019.Location));
            compilerPathOperatingSystemEnvironmentVariable  = '%VS16ROOTDIR%';
            compilerSetUpOperatingSystemCommandRelativeName = '\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat';
            mexOptsFile = '$(MATLAB_ROOT)\bin\$(ARCH)\mexopts\msvc2019.xml';
            compilerThreadingFlag = '';
            matlabSetupCommand = [];
            matlabCleanupCommand = [ ];
            inlinedCommands = '!include $(MATLAB_ROOT)\rtw\c\tools\vcdefs.mak';
            toolchainObjectHandle.ShellSetup{1} = 'set "VSCMD_START_DIR=%CD%"';
            errorMessage = ...
                [ 'Version ', compilerVersion, ' is not supported.' ];
            error( errorMessage );
    % VCVARS
    % Issue: VS---COMNTOOLS may or may not have a file separator in the end. How
    % do we resolve this on the user's machine?
    % NOTE: We are specifically leaving off the usual "AMD64" flag, to start
    % Visual Studio in 32-bit mode, despite the fact that this is running on a
    % 64-bit installation of MATLAB.
    compilerShellSetupOSCommandString = ...
        [ ...
        'call "', ...
        compilerPathOperatingSystemEnvironmentVariable, ...
        compilerSetUpOperatingSystemCommandRelativeName, ...
        '"', ...
        compilerOptionString, ...
    toolchainObjectHandle.InlinedCommands = inlinedCommands;
    toolchainObjectHandle.addAttribute( 'TransformPathsWithSpaces' );
    toolchainObjectHandle.addAttribute( 'RequiresCommandFile' );
    toolchainObjectHandle.addAttribute( 'RequiresBatchFile' );
    % For internal use only
    toolchainObjectHandle.SupportsBuildingMEXFuncs = true;
    toolchainObjectHandle.ShellSetup{ end+1 } = compilerShellSetupOSCommandString;
    if( true == isempty( matlabSetupCommand ) )
        % It's OK for this to be empty.
        toolchainObjectHandle.MATLABSetup{ 1 } = matlabSetupCommand;
    if( true == isempty( matlabCleanupCommand )  )
        % It's OK for this to be empty.
        toolchainObjectHandle.MATLABCleanup{ 1 } = matlabCleanupCommand;
    % ------------------------------
    % Macros
    % ------------------------------
    toolchainObjectHandle.addMacro('MEX_OPTS_FILE',    mexOptsFile );
    toolchainObjectHandle.addMacro('MDFLAG',           compilerThreadingFlag );
    toolchainObjectHandle.addMacro('MW_EXTERNLIB_DIR', [ '$(MATLAB_ROOT)\extern\lib\' compilationPlatform '\microsoft' ] );
    toolchainObjectHandle.addMacro('MW_LIB_DIR',       [ '$(MATLAB_ROOT)\lib\' compilationPlatform ] );
    toolchainObjectHandle.addIntrinsicMacros( { 'NODEBUG', 'cvarsdll', 'cvarsmt', ...
        'conlibsmt', 'ldebug', 'conflags', 'cflags' } );
    % ------------------------------
    % C Compiler
    % ------------------------------
    cBuildToolHandle = toolchainObjectHandle.getBuildTool( 'C Compiler' );
    cBuildToolHandle.setName(           'Microsoft Visual C Compiler' );
    cBuildToolHandle.setCommand(        'cl' );
    cBuildToolHandle.setPath(           '' );
    cBuildToolHandle.setDirective(      'IncludeSearchPath',    '-I' );
    cBuildToolHandle.setDirective(      'PreprocessorDefine',   '-D' );
    cBuildToolHandle.setDirective(      'OutputFlag',           '-Fo' );
    cBuildToolHandle.setDirective(      'Debug',                '-Zi' );
    cBuildToolHandle.setFileExtension(  'Source',               '.c' );
    cBuildToolHandle.setFileExtension(  'Header',               '.h' );
    cBuildToolHandle.setFileExtension(  'Object',               '.obj' );
    cBuildToolHandle.setCommandPattern( '|>TOOL<| |>TOOL_OPTIONS<| |>OUTPUT_FLAG<||>OUTPUT<|' );
    % ------------------------------
    % C++ Compiler
    % ------------------------------
    cppBuildToolHandle = toolchainObjectHandle.getBuildTool('C++ Compiler' );
    cppBuildToolHandle.setName(           'Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler' );
    cppBuildToolHandle.setCommand(        'cl' );
    cppBuildToolHandle.setPath(           '' );
    cppBuildToolHandle.setDirective(      'IncludeSearchPath',    '-I' );
    cppBuildToolHandle.setDirective(      'PreprocessorDefine',   '-D' );
    cppBuildToolHandle.setDirective(      'OutputFlag',           '-Fo' );
    cppBuildToolHandle.setDirective(      'Debug',                '-Zi' );
    cppBuildToolHandle.setFileExtension(  'Source',               '.cpp' );
    cppBuildToolHandle.setFileExtension(  'Header',               '.hpp' );
    cppBuildToolHandle.setFileExtension(  'Object',               '.obj' );
    cppBuildToolHandle.setCommandPattern('|>TOOL<| |>TOOL_OPTIONS<| |>OUTPUT_FLAG<||>OUTPUT<|' );
    % ------------------------------
    % Linker
    % ------------------------------
    cLinkToolHandle = toolchainObjectHandle.getBuildTool( 'Linker' );
    cLinkToolHandle.setName(           'Microsoft Visual C Linker' );
    cLinkToolHandle.setCommand(        'link' );
    cLinkToolHandle.setPath(           '' );
    cLinkToolHandle.setDirective(      'Library',              '-L' );
    cLinkToolHandle.setDirective(      'LibrarySearchPath',    '-I' );
    cLinkToolHandle.setDirective(      'OutputFlag',           '-out:' );
    cLinkToolHandle.setDirective(      'Debug',                '/DEBUG' );
    cLinkToolHandle.setFileExtension(  'Executable',           '.exe' );
    cLinkToolHandle.setFileExtension(  'Shared Library',       '.dll' );
    cLinkToolHandle.setCommandPattern('|>TOOL<| |>TOOL_OPTIONS<| |>OUTPUT_FLAG<||>OUTPUT<|' );
    % ------------------------------
    % C++ Linker
    % ------------------------------
    cppLinkToolHandle = toolchainObjectHandle.getBuildTool('C++ Linker' );
    cppLinkToolHandle.setName(           'Microsoft Visual C++ Linker' );
    cppLinkToolHandle.setCommand(        'link' );
    cppLinkToolHandle.setPath(           '' );
    cppLinkToolHandle.setDirective(      'Library',              '-L' );
    cppLinkToolHandle.setDirective(      'LibrarySearchPath',    '-I' );
    cppLinkToolHandle.setDirective(      'OutputFlag',           '-out:' );
    cppLinkToolHandle.setDirective(      'Debug',                '/DEBUG' );
    cppLinkToolHandle.setFileExtension(  'Executable',           '.exe' );
    cppLinkToolHandle.setFileExtension(  'Shared Library',       '.dll' );
    cppLinkToolHandle.setCommandPattern('|>TOOL<| |>TOOL_OPTIONS<| |>OUTPUT_FLAG<||>OUTPUT<|' );
    % ------------------------------
    % Archiver
    % ------------------------------
    archiverToolHandle = toolchainObjectHandle.getBuildTool( 'Archiver' );
    archiverToolHandle.setName(           'Microsoft Visual C/C++ Archiver' );
    archiverToolHandle.setCommand(        'lib' );
    archiverToolHandle.setPath(           '' );
    archiverToolHandle.setDirective(      'OutputFlag',           '-out:' );
    archiverToolHandle.setFileExtension(  'Static Library',       '.lib' );
    archiverToolHandle.setCommandPattern( '|>TOOL<| |>TOOL_OPTIONS<| |>OUTPUT_FLAG<||>OUTPUT<|' );
    % ------------------------------
    % Builder
    % ------------------------------
    toolchainObjectHandle.setBuilderApplication( compilationPlatform );
    % --------------------------------------------
    % --------------------------------------------
    % ------------------------------
    % Compiler optimization flags
    % ------------------------------
    % Optimization Level = Off is obtained from Microsoft's website:
    %   http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/fwkeyyhe(VS.71).aspx
    optimsOffOpts = { '/Od /Oy-' };
    % Optimization Level = On is obtained from mexopts files:
    %   <matlabroot>/bin/win32/mexopts/msvc60opts.bat
    %   <matlabroot>/bin/win32/mexopts/msvc71opts.bat
    %   <matlabroot>/bin/win32/mexopts/msvc80opts.bat
    %   <matlabroot>/bin/win32/mexopts/msvc80freeopts.bat
    optimsOnOpts = { '/O2 /Oy-' };
    % ------------------------------
    % Macros
    % ------------------------------
    toolchainObjectHandle.addMacro( 'CPU', 'X86');
    % # Uncomment this line to move warning level to W4
    % # cflags = $(cflags:W3=W4)
    cvarsflag = '$(cvarsmt)';
    toolchainObjectHandle.addMacro( 'CVARSFLAG', cvarsflag );
    LIBS_TOOLCHAIN = '$(conlibs)';
    toolchainObjectHandle.addMacro( 'CFLAGS_ADDITIONAL',   CFLAGS_ADDITIONAL );
    toolchainObjectHandle.addMacro( 'CPPFLAGS_ADDITIONAL', CPPFLAGS_ADDITIONAL );
    toolchainObjectHandle.addMacro( 'LIBS_TOOLCHAIN',      LIBS_TOOLCHAIN );
    cCompilerOpts    = '$(cflags) $(CVARSFLAG) $(CFLAGS_ADDITIONAL)';
    cppCompilerOpts  = '/TP $(cflags) $(CVARSFLAG) $(CPPFLAGS_ADDITIONAL)';
    linkerOpts       = { '/MACHINE:X86 $(ldebug) $(conflags) $(LIBS_TOOLCHAIN)' };
    sharedLinkerOpts = horzcat(linkerOpts, '-dll -def:$(DEF_FILE)' );
    archiverOpts     = { '/nologo' };
    % Get the debug flag per build tool
    debugFlag.CCompiler    = getDebugFlag( 'C Compiler' );
    debugFlag.CppCompiler  = getDebugFlag( 'C++ Compiler' );
    debugFlag.Linker       = getDebugFlag( 'Linker' );
    debugFlag.Archiver     = getDebugFlag( 'Archiver' );
    buildConfigurationObject = toolchainObjectHandle.getBuildConfiguration( 'Faster Builds' );
    buildConfigurationObject.setOption( 'C Compiler',                horzcat( cCompilerOpts, optimsOffOpts ) );
    buildConfigurationObject.setOption( 'C++ Compiler',              horzcat( cppCompilerOpts, optimsOffOpts ) );
    buildConfigurationObject.setOption( 'Linker',                    linkerOpts );
    buildConfigurationObject.setOption( 'C++ Linker',                linkerOpts );
    buildConfigurationObject.setOption( 'Shared Library Linker',     sharedLinkerOpts );
    buildConfigurationObject.setOption( 'C++ Shared Library Linker', sharedLinkerOpts );
    buildConfigurationObject.setOption( 'Archiver',                  archiverOpts );
    buildConfigurationObject = toolchainObjectHandle.getBuildConfiguration( 'Faster Runs' );
    buildConfigurationObject.setOption( 'C Compiler',                horzcat( cCompilerOpts, optimsOnOpts ) );
    buildConfigurationObject.setOption( 'C++ Compiler',              horzcat( cppCompilerOpts, optimsOnOpts ) );
    buildConfigurationObject.setOption( 'Linker',                    linkerOpts );
    buildConfigurationObject.setOption( 'C++ Linker',                linkerOpts );
    buildConfigurationObject.setOption( 'Shared Library Linker',     sharedLinkerOpts );
    buildConfigurationObject.setOption( 'C++ Shared Library Linker', sharedLinkerOpts );
    buildConfigurationObject.setOption( 'Archiver',                  archiverOpts );
    buildConfigurationObject = toolchainObjectHandle.getBuildConfiguration( 'Debug' );
    buildConfigurationObject.setOption( 'C Compiler',                    horzcat( cCompilerOpts, optimsOffOpts, debugFlag.CCompiler ) );
    buildConfigurationObject.setOption( 'C++ Compiler',                  horzcat( cppCompilerOpts, optimsOffOpts, debugFlag.CppCompiler ) );
    buildConfigurationObject.setOption( 'Linker',                        horzcat( linkerOpts,       debugFlag.Linker ) );
    buildConfigurationObject.setOption( 'C++ Linker',                    horzcat( linkerOpts,       debugFlag.Linker ) );
    buildConfigurationObject.setOption( 'Shared Library Linker',         horzcat( sharedLinkerOpts, debugFlag.Linker ) );
    buildConfigurationObject.setOption( 'C++ Shared Library Linker',     horzcat( sharedLinkerOpts, debugFlag.Linker ) );
    buildConfigurationObject.setOption( 'Archiver',                      horzcat( archiverOpts,     debugFlag.Archiver ) );
    toolchainObjectHandle.setBuildConfigurationOption( 'all', 'Download',      '' );
    toolchainObjectHandle.setBuildConfigurationOption( 'all', 'Execute',       '' );
    toolchainObjectHandle.setBuildConfigurationOption( 'all', 'Make Tool',     '-f $(MAKEFILE)' );
    %%% Helper Functions
        function [ flag ] = getDebugFlag( toolkey )
            flag = toolchainObjectHandle.getBuildTool( toolkey ).Directives.getValue( 'Debug' ).getRef( );
    postExecutionMessage = ...
        [ 'Executed "', thisFilesFullName, '".' ];
    disp( postExecutionMessage );
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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  • 已采纳回答 7月28日
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