a513155803 2019-03-14 16:19 采纳率: 100%
浏览 2971







int main()
    HANDLE Log;
    TCHAR Buffer[BUFFER_SIZE] = { 0 };
    DWORD dwRead, dwNeeded;
    string Type, Source, UserID, User, msg;
    char *pchar, Data[4096];
    int Time, ID;

    if ((Log = OpenEventLog(NULL, "Security")) == NULL)
        printf("OpenEventLog For Security Errr:%d \n", GetLastError());
        return 0;

    while (ReadEventLog(Log,

        for (short i = 0; i < dwRead;)
            EVENTLOGRECORD *ptr = (EVENTLOGRECORD*)(Data + i);

            switch (ptr->EventType)
            case EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE: Type = "错误事件"; break;
            case EVENTLOG_AUDIT_FAILURE: Type = "审核失败"; break;
            case EVENTLOG_AUDIT_SUCCESS: Type = "审核成功"; break;
            case EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE: Type = "信息事件"; break;
            case EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE: Type = "警告事件"; break;

            Time = ptr->TimeWritten;

            Source = (TCHAR *)ptr + sizeof(EVENTLOGRECORD);

            ID = (short)ptr->EventID;

            pchar = (TCHAR *)ptr + sizeof(EVENTLOGRECORD);
            pchar += (strlen(pchar) + 1);
            UserID = pchar;

            pchar += strlen(pchar) + 1;
            if (ptr->UserSidLength>0)
                char Name[64];
                DWORD Length = sizeof(SID), Length1 = sizeof(Buffer);
                SID_NAME_USE Type = SidTypeUser;
                SID *sid = (SID *)(Data + ptr->UserSidOffset);
                if (LookupAccountSid(NULL, sid, Name, &Length, Buffer, &Length1, &Type))
                    User = Name;

            if (ptr->DataOffset > ptr->StringOffset) 
                pchar = Data + i + ptr->StringOffset;
                printf("%s ", pchar);

                for (short j = 0; j < ptr->NumStrings; j++)
                    pchar += strlen(pchar) + 1;
                    printf("%s ", pchar);
            cout << "\n" << endl;
            i += ptr->Length;
    return 0;


  • 写回答

4条回答 默认 最新

  • 窝米逗佛~ 2019-03-15 14:44

    你要的是这个么 ??

    Time stamp: 3/15/2019 15:06:39
    record number: 134747
    status code: 4624
    event type: Audit Success
    Format message failed with 1813

    普通登录 好像 就只能读出来这些东西

    #include <windows.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <strsafe.h>
    #define PROVIDER_NAME           L"Security"//"MyEventProvider"
    #define RESOURCE_DLL            L"<path>\\Provider.dll"
    #define MAX_TIMESTAMP_LEN       23 + 1   // mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.mmm
    #define MAX_RECORD_BUFFER_SIZE  0x10000  // 64K
    HANDLE GetMessageResources();
    DWORD DumpRecordsInBuffer( PBYTE pBuffer, DWORD dwBytesRead );
    DWORD GetEventTypeName( DWORD EventType );
    LPWSTR GetMessageString( DWORD Id, DWORD argc, LPWSTR args );
    void GetTimestamp( const DWORD Time, WCHAR DisplayString[] );
    DWORD ApplyParameterStringsToMessage( CONST LPCWSTR pMessage, LPWSTR & pFinalMessage );
    CONST LPWSTR pEventTypeNames[] = { L"Error", L"Warning", L"Informational", L"Audit Success", L"Audit Failure" };
    HANDLE g_hResources = NULL;
    void wmain( void )
        HANDLE hEventLog = NULL;
        DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
        DWORD dwBytesToRead = 0;
        DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
        DWORD dwMinimumBytesToRead = 0;
        PBYTE pBuffer = NULL;
        PBYTE pTemp = NULL;
        // The source name (provider) must exist as a subkey of Application.
        hEventLog = OpenEventLog( NULL, L"Security"  );
        if ( NULL == hEventLog )
            wprintf( L"OpenEventLog failed with 0x%x.\n", GetLastError() );
            goto cleanup;
        // Get the DLL that contains the string resources for the provider.
    //  g_hResources = GetMessageResources();
    //  if ( NULL == g_hResources )
    //  {
    //      wprintf( L"GetMessageResources failed.\n" );
    //      goto cleanup;
    //  }
        // Allocate an initial block of memory used to read event records. The number 
        // of records read into the buffer will vary depending on the size of each event.
        // The size of each event will vary based on the size of the user-defined
        // data included with each event, the number and length of insertion 
        // strings, and other data appended to the end of the event record.
        dwBytesToRead = MAX_RECORD_BUFFER_SIZE;
        pBuffer = ( PBYTE )malloc( dwBytesToRead );
        if ( NULL == pBuffer )
            wprintf( L"Failed to allocate the initial memory for the record buffer.\n" );
            goto cleanup;
        // Read blocks of records until you reach the end of the log or an 
        // error occurs. The records are read from newest to oldest. If the buffer
        // is not big enough to hold a complete event record, reallocate the buffer.
        while ( ERROR_SUCCESS == status )
            if ( !ReadEventLog( hEventLog,
                &dwMinimumBytesToRead ) )
                status = GetLastError();
                if ( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == status )
                    status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
                    pTemp = ( PBYTE )realloc( pBuffer, dwMinimumBytesToRead );
                    if ( NULL == pTemp )
                        wprintf( L"Failed to reallocate the memory for the record buffer (%d bytes).\n", dwMinimumBytesToRead );
                        goto cleanup;
                    pBuffer = pTemp;
                    dwBytesToRead = dwMinimumBytesToRead;
                    if ( ERROR_HANDLE_EOF != status )
                        wprintf( L"ReadEventLog failed with %lu.\n", status );
                        goto cleanup;
                // Print the contents of each record in the buffer.
                DumpRecordsInBuffer( pBuffer, dwBytesRead );
        if ( hEventLog )
            CloseEventLog( hEventLog );
        if ( pBuffer )
            free( pBuffer );
    // Get the provider DLL that contains the string resources for the
    // category strings, event message strings, and parameter insert strings.
    // For this example, the path to the DLL is hardcoded but typically,
    // you would read the CategoryMessageFile, EventMessageFile, and 
    // ParameterMessageFile registry values under the source's registry key located 
    // under \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application in
    // the HKLM registry hive. In this example, all resources are included in
    // the same resource-only DLL.
    HANDLE GetMessageResources()
        HANDLE hResources = NULL;
        if ( NULL == hResources )
            wprintf( L"LoadLibrary failed with %lu.\n", GetLastError() );
        return hResources;
    // Loop through the buffer and print the contents of each record 
    // in the buffer.
    DWORD DumpRecordsInBuffer( PBYTE pBuffer, DWORD dwBytesRead )
        DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
        PBYTE pRecord = pBuffer;
        PBYTE pEndOfRecords = pBuffer + dwBytesRead;
        LPWSTR pMessage = NULL;
        LPWSTR pFinalMessage = NULL;
        WCHAR TimeStamp[ MAX_TIMESTAMP_LEN ];
        while ( pRecord < pEndOfRecords )
            // If the event was written by our provider, write the contents of the event.
            //if ( 0 == wcscmp( PROVIDER_NAME, ( LPWSTR )( pRecord + sizeof( EVENTLOGRECORD ) ) ) )
                GetTimestamp( ( ( PEVENTLOGRECORD )pRecord )->TimeGenerated, TimeStamp );
                wprintf( L"Time stamp: %s\n", TimeStamp );
                wprintf( L"record number: %lu\n", ( ( PEVENTLOGRECORD )pRecord )->RecordNumber );
                wprintf( L"status code: %d\n", ( ( PEVENTLOGRECORD )pRecord )->EventID & 0xFFFF );
                wprintf( L"event type: %s\n", pEventTypeNames[ GetEventTypeName( ( ( PEVENTLOGRECORD )pRecord )->EventType ) ] );
                pMessage = GetMessageString( ( ( PEVENTLOGRECORD )pRecord )->EventCategory, 0, NULL );
                if ( pMessage )
                    wprintf( L"event category: %s", pMessage );
                    LocalFree( pMessage );
                    pMessage = NULL;
                PEVENTLOGRECORD tem = ( PEVENTLOGRECORD )pRecord;
            //  char *pchar = nullptr, Data[ 4096 ] = { 0};
                pMessage = GetMessageString( tem->EventID,
                    ( ( PEVENTLOGRECORD )pRecord )->NumStrings, ( LPWSTR )( pRecord + ( ( PEVENTLOGRECORD )pRecord )->StringOffset ) );
    //          for ( int i = 0; i < dwBytesRead; )
    //          {
    //              if ( tem->DataOffset > tem->StringOffset )
    //              {
    //                  pchar = Data + i + tem->StringOffset;
    //                  printf( "%s ", pchar );
    //                  for ( short j = 0; j < tem->NumStrings; j++ )
    //                  {
    //                      pchar += strlen( pchar ) + 1;
    //                      printf( "%s ", pchar );
    //                  }
    //                  i += tem->Length;
    //              }
    //          }
                if ( pMessage )
                    status = ApplyParameterStringsToMessage( pMessage, pFinalMessage );
                    wprintf( L"event message: %s", ( pFinalMessage ) ? pFinalMessage : pMessage );
                    LocalFree( pMessage );
                    pMessage = NULL;
                    if ( pFinalMessage )
                        free( pFinalMessage );
                        pFinalMessage = NULL;
                // To write the event data, you need to know the format of the data. In
                // this example, we know that the event data is a null-terminated string.
                if ( ( ( PEVENTLOGRECORD )pRecord )->DataLength > 0 )
                    wprintf( L"event data: %s\n", ( LPWSTR )( pRecord + ( ( PEVENTLOGRECORD )pRecord )->DataOffset ) );
                wprintf( L"\n" );
            pRecord += ( ( PEVENTLOGRECORD )pRecord )->Length;
        return status;
    // Get an index value to the pEventTypeNames array based on 
    // the event type value.
    DWORD GetEventTypeName( DWORD EventType )
        DWORD index = 0;
        switch ( EventType )
            index = 0;
            index = 1;
            index = 2;
            index = 3;
            index = 4;
        return index;
    // Formats the specified message. If the message uses inserts, build
    // the argument list to pass to FormatMessage.
    LPWSTR GetMessageString( DWORD MessageId, DWORD argc, LPWSTR argv )
        LPWSTR pMessage = NULL;
        DWORD_PTR* pArgs = NULL;
        LPWSTR pString = argv;
        // The insertion strings appended to the end of the event record
        // are an array of strings; however, FormatMessage requires
        // an array of addresses. Create an array of DWORD_PTRs based on
        // the count of strings. Assign the address of each string
        // to an element in the array (maintaining the same order).
        if ( argc > 0 )
            pArgs = ( DWORD_PTR* )malloc( sizeof( DWORD_PTR ) * argc );
            if ( pArgs )
                dwFormatFlags |= FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY;
                for ( DWORD i = 0; i < argc; i++ )
                    pArgs[ i ] = ( DWORD_PTR )pString;
                    pString += wcslen( pString ) + 1;
                    wprintf( pString );
                    wprintf( L"\n" );
                dwFormatFlags |= FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS;
                wprintf( L"Failed to allocate memory for the insert string array.\n" );
        if ( !FormatMessage( dwFormatFlags,
            ( LPWSTR )&pMessage,
            ( va_list* )pArgs ) )
            wprintf( L"Format message failed with %lu\n", GetLastError() );
        if ( pArgs )
            free( pArgs );
        return pMessage;
    // If the message string contains parameter insertion strings (for example, %%4096),
    // you must perform the parameter substitution yourself. To get the parameter message 
    // string, call FormatMessage with the message identifier found in the parameter insertion 
    // string (for example, 4096 is the message identifier if the parameter insertion string
    // is %%4096). You then substitute the parameter insertion string in the message 
    // string with the actual parameter message string. 
    DWORD ApplyParameterStringsToMessage( CONST LPCWSTR pMessage, LPWSTR & pFinalMessage )
        DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
        DWORD dwParameterCount = 0;  // Number of insertion strings found in pMessage
        size_t cbBuffer = 0;         // Size of the buffer in bytes
        size_t cchBuffer = 0;        // Size of the buffer in characters
        size_t cchParameters = 0;    // Number of characters in all the parameter strings
        size_t cch = 0;
        DWORD i = 0;
        LPWSTR* pStartingAddresses = NULL;  // Array of pointers to the beginning of each parameter string in pMessage
        LPWSTR* pEndingAddresses = NULL;    // Array of pointers to the end of each parameter string in pMessage
        DWORD* pParameterIDs = NULL;        // Array of parameter identifiers found in pMessage
        LPWSTR* pParameters = NULL;         // Array of the actual parameter strings
        LPWSTR pTempMessage = ( LPWSTR )pMessage;
        LPWSTR pTempFinalMessage = NULL;
        // Determine the number of parameter insertion strings in pMessage.
        while ( pTempMessage = wcschr( pTempMessage, L'%' ) )
        // If there are no parameter insertion strings in pMessage, return.
        if ( 0 == dwParameterCount )
            pFinalMessage = NULL;
            goto cleanup;
        // Allocate an array of pointers that will contain the beginning address 
        // of each parameter insertion string.
        cbBuffer = sizeof( LPWSTR ) * dwParameterCount;
        pStartingAddresses = ( LPWSTR* )malloc( cbBuffer );
        if ( NULL == pStartingAddresses )
            wprintf( L"Failed to allocate memory for pStartingAddresses.\n" );
            status = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
            goto cleanup;
        RtlZeroMemory( pStartingAddresses, cbBuffer );
        // Allocate an array of pointers that will contain the ending address (one
        // character past the of the identifier) of the each parameter insertion string.
        pEndingAddresses = ( LPWSTR* )malloc( cbBuffer );
        if ( NULL == pEndingAddresses )
            wprintf( L"Failed to allocate memory for pEndingAddresses.\n" );
            status = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
            goto cleanup;
        RtlZeroMemory( pEndingAddresses, cbBuffer );
        // Allocate an array of pointers that will contain pointers to the actual
        // parameter strings.
        pParameters = ( LPWSTR* )malloc( cbBuffer );
        if ( NULL == pParameters )
            wprintf( L"Failed to allocate memory for pEndingAddresses.\n" );
            status = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
            goto cleanup;
        RtlZeroMemory( pParameters, cbBuffer );
        // Allocate an array of DWORDs that will contain the message identifier
        // for each parameter.
        pParameterIDs = ( DWORD* )malloc( cbBuffer );
        if ( NULL == pParameterIDs )
            wprintf( L"Failed to allocate memory for pParameterIDs.\n" );
            status = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
            goto cleanup;
        RtlZeroMemory( pParameterIDs, cbBuffer );
        // Find each parameter in pMessage and get the pointer to the
        // beginning of the insertion string, the end of the insertion string,
        // and the message identifier of the parameter.
        pTempMessage = ( LPWSTR )pMessage;
        while ( pTempMessage = wcschr( pTempMessage, L'%' ) )
            if ( isdigit( *( pTempMessage + 1 ) ) )
                pStartingAddresses[ i ] = pTempMessage;
                pParameterIDs[ i ] = ( DWORD )_wtoi( pTempMessage );
                while ( isdigit( *++pTempMessage ) )
                pEndingAddresses[ i ] = pTempMessage;
        // For each parameter, use the message identifier to get the
        // actual parameter string.
        for ( DWORD i = 0; i < dwParameterCount; i++ )
            pParameters[ i ] = GetMessageString( pParameterIDs[ i ], 0, NULL );
            if ( NULL == pParameters[ i ] )
                wprintf( L"GetMessageString could not find parameter string for insert %lu.\n", i );
                status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
                goto cleanup;
            cchParameters += wcslen( pParameters[ i ] );
        // Allocate enough memory for pFinalMessage based on the length of pMessage
        // and the length of each parameter string. The pFinalMessage buffer will contain 
        // the completed parameter substitution.
        pTempMessage = ( LPWSTR )pMessage;
        cbBuffer = ( wcslen( pMessage ) + cchParameters + 1 ) * sizeof( WCHAR );
        pFinalMessage = ( LPWSTR )malloc( cbBuffer );
        if ( NULL == pFinalMessage )
            wprintf( L"Failed to allocate memory for pFinalMessage.\n" );
            status = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
            goto cleanup;
        RtlZeroMemory( pFinalMessage, cbBuffer );
        cchBuffer = cbBuffer / sizeof( WCHAR );
        pTempFinalMessage = pFinalMessage;
        // Build the final message string.
        for ( DWORD i = 0; i < dwParameterCount; i++ )
            // Append the segment from pMessage. In the first iteration, this is "8 " and in the
            // second iteration, this is " = 2 ".
            wcsncpy_s( pTempFinalMessage, cchBuffer, pTempMessage, cch = ( pStartingAddresses[ i ] - pTempMessage ) );
            pTempMessage = pEndingAddresses[ i ];
            cchBuffer -= cch;
            // Append the parameter string. In the first iteration, this is "quarts" and in the
            // second iteration, this is "gallons"
            pTempFinalMessage += cch;
            wcscpy_s( pTempFinalMessage, cchBuffer, pParameters[ i ] );
            cchBuffer -= cch = wcslen( pParameters[ i ] );
            pTempFinalMessage += cch;
        // Append the last segment from pMessage, which is ".".
        wcscpy_s( pTempFinalMessage, cchBuffer, pTempMessage );
        if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != status )
            pFinalMessage = ( LPWSTR )pMessage;
        if ( pStartingAddresses )
            free( pStartingAddresses );
        if ( pEndingAddresses )
            free( pEndingAddresses );
        if ( pParameterIDs )
            free( pParameterIDs );
        for ( DWORD i = 0; i < dwParameterCount; i++ )
            if ( pParameters[ i ] )
                LocalFree( pParameters[ i ] );
        return status;
    // Get a string that contains the time stamp of when the event 
    // was generated.
    void GetTimestamp( const DWORD Time, WCHAR DisplayString[] )
        ULONGLONG ullTimeStamp = 0;
        ULONGLONG SecsTo1970 = 116444736000000000;
        SYSTEMTIME st;
        FILETIME ft, ftLocal;
        ullTimeStamp = Int32x32To64( Time, 10000000 ) + SecsTo1970;
        ft.dwHighDateTime = ( DWORD )( ( ullTimeStamp >> 32 ) & 0xFFFFFFFF );
        ft.dwLowDateTime = ( DWORD )( ullTimeStamp & 0xFFFFFFFF );
        FileTimeToLocalFileTime( &ft, &ftLocal );
        FileTimeToSystemTime( &ftLocal, &st );
        StringCchPrintf( DisplayString, MAX_TIMESTAMP_LEN, L"%d/%d/%d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d",
            st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wYear, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond );

    刚才跑了下 实在是没得你那种时间类型 这个是windows 的源码 我稍微改了下

    地址 :https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows/desktop/EventLog/querying-for-event-source-messages

    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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