dongtang1997 2015-07-03 06:36
浏览 95

如何使用php计算图像的2D DCT?

I'm trying to find 2D DCT(The Discrete Cosine Transform) of an image using php. I have used the following equation to find it. enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Here is the code I have used to find the DCT.

function getGray($img,$x,$y){
    $col = imagecolorsforindex($img, imagecolorat($img,$x,$y));
    return intval($col['red']*0.3 + $col['green']*0.59 + $col['blue']*0.11);

function  initCoefficients() {
  for ($i=1;$i<$this->size;$i++) 
return $c;

function applyDCT($imagePath) {
    $img = $this->readImageTo($imagePath, 32, 32);



    for ($u=0;$u<$N;$u++) {
    for ($v=0;$v<$N;$v++) {

        for ($i=0;$i<$N;$i++) {
            for ($j=0;$j<$N;$j++) {
                $sum += ($c[$i]*$c[$j])*cos(((2*$i+1)*$u*pi()/(2.0*$N)))*cos(((2*$j+1)*$v*pi()/(2.0*$N)))*($color[$i][$j]);

        $sum *=sqrt(2/$N)*sqrt(2/$N);
        $F[$u][$v] = $sum;
    return $F;

The image size is 32*32. My problem is, once I call the applyDCT()function it gives an array which has all the element values as 0.


Array ( [0] => Array (... ,3 => 0 [4] => 0 [5] => 0,...

I think problem is in my calculation. What I am doing wrong? Please help me Thank you.

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  • doucan1979 2015-07-07 08:33

    Here is the answer baseed on the comments:

    $color is not good. You're initializing it in a 1D but you call it in your math operation as if it was a 2D array. On your math operation, replace $color[$i][$j] by $color[$i*32+$j] and it should work I guess... Or be sure that your $color array is formed as you expect

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