DELMAR_ 2023-03-18 20:39 采纳率: 57.1%
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#include <string.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>

#define TEAMNB 16
#define PM 4

 * Team struct
typedef struct team{
    char name[20]; /**< The team's name */
    int noteWin; /**< Points won by this team  */
    int noteLost; /**< Points lost by this team */

#define SHM_SIZE 16*sizeof(Team)

char* getName(Team team);
int getNoteWin(Team team);
int getNoteLost(Team team);
Team getIElem(Team* teamList, int i);
void traverse(Team* teamList, int size);
void getTeamsName(int size, char (*arr)[16], char filePath[30]);
void match(int t1, int t2, int pm, Team* teamList,int tour);
int findT1(Team* teamList, int start, int end, int tour);
int findT2(Team* teamList, int start, int end, int tour);

int mutexId;
static struct sembuf sP ={0,-1,0};
static struct sembuf sV = {0, 1,0};

void P(int mutexId);
void V(int mutexId);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
  if(argc < 3){
    printf("main进程的pid = %d",getpid());

  int size = atoi(argv[1]);
    char nbE[size][16];

  getTeamsName(size,nbE ,argv[2]);

  int shmid;
  Team *teamList;

  // Create the shared memory segment with read and write permissions for all users
  key_t key = ftok(".", 1);
  if ((shmid = shmget(key, SHM_SIZE, IPC_CREAT | 0666)) < 0) {

  // Attach the shared memory segment to our data space
  if ((teamList = shmat(shmid, NULL, 0)) == (Team *) -1) {

  // Application of mutex
  key_t key2 = ftok(".",0);
  mutexId = semget(key2,1,IPC_CREAT|IPC_EXCL|0600);

  // Initialization the array of Team types
  for (int i = 0; i < TEAMNB; i++) {
        strcpy(teamList[i].name, nbE[i]);
        teamList[i].noteWin = 0;
        teamList[i].noteLost = 0;

  pid_t pid;
  int span;
  // tour
  for(int i = 1; i <= log(TEAMNB)/log(2.0); i++){
    span = pow(2,i) ;

    int j;
    for(j = 0; j < TEAMNB; j=j+span){
      int t1 = findT1(teamList, j, j+span-1,i-1);
      int t2 = findT2(teamList, j, j+span-1,i-1);

      switch(pid = fork()){
        case -1:
        case 0:
    for(int k = 0; k < j;k++){


  // Removing a mutex

  // Detach the shared memory segment
  if (shmdt(teamList) == -1) {

  return 0;

/**The specific implementation of the function declared in the file header**/

 * @fn getName
 * @brief Get the name of the team.
 * @param team The team you specify.
 * @return The name of the team.
char* getName(Team team){

 * @fn getNoteWin
 * @brief Get the NoteWin of the team.
 * @param team The team you specify.
 * @return The NoteWin of the team.
int getNoteWin(Team team){
  return team.noteWin;

 * @fn getNoteLost
 * @brief Get the NoteLost of the team.
 * @param team The team you specify.
 * @return The NoteLost of the team.
int getNoteLost(Team team){
  return team.noteLost;

 * @fn getIElem
 * @brief Get the i-th team.
 * @param teamList An array of Team types.
 * @param i The index you specify.
 * @return The team you want.
Team getIElem(Team* teamList, int i){
  return teamList[i];

 * @fn findT1
 * @brief In the [start] to [end] subscript of the teamlist, find the first team that has played a [tour] round and won all of its matches..
 * @param teamList An array of Team types.
 * @param start The start index.
 * @param end The end index.
 * @param tour Number of rounds of the competition. 
 * @return The index of the first team you want.
int findT1(Team* teamList, int start, int end, int tour){
  for(int i = start; i <= end; i++){
    if(teamList[i].noteWin == tour){
      return i;
  return -1;

 * @fn findT2
 * @brief In the [start] to [end] subscript of the teamlist, find the second team that has played a [tour] round and won all of its matches.
 * @param teamList An array of Team types.
 * @param start The start index.
 * @param end The end index.
 * @param tour Number of rounds of the competition. 
 * @return The index of the second team you want.
int findT2(Team* teamList, int start, int end, int tour){
    for(int i = end; i >= start; i--){
      if(teamList[i].noteWin == tour){
        return i;
    return -1;

 * @fn traverse
 * @brief Traverse the array.
 * @param teamList An array of Team types.
 * @param i The size of the array.
void traverse(Team* teamList, int size){
  for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
    Team team = getIElem(teamList, i);
    printf("team : %s\t\t noteWin = %d\t noteLost = %d\n",getName(team), getNoteWin(team), getNoteLost(team));

 * @fn getTeamsName
 * @brief Get a array of char* types.
 * @details The return array is passed into the function and taken as the second argument
 * @param size Total number of teams.
 * @param arr An empty array of char* to hold the results.
 * @param filepath The txt file from which the information needs to be extracted 
void getTeamsName(int size, char (*arr)[16], char filePath[30]){
  FILE *f = fopen(filePath,"r");
  int i,j;
  for(i = 0; i < size; i++){
    fscanf(f, "#%[^#]#\n", arr[i]);

 * @fn P
 * @brief block on a mutex
 * @param mutexId the id of the mutex. 
void P(int mutexId){ 

 * @fn V
 * @brief unblock a mutex
 * @param mutexId the id of the mutex. 
void V(int mutexId) { 

 * @fn match
 * @brief Simulation of two teams playing a match.
 * @param t1 The index of the first team.
 * @param t2 The index of the second team.
 * @param pm Race point setting.
 * @param teamList An array of Team types.
 * @param tour Number of rounds of the competition. 
void match(int t1, int t2, int pm, Team* teamList,int tour){
  // Initialize the actions of the attacker and the defender
  char* offensive[20] = {"essayer","botter"};
  char* defense[20] = {"tacler","Gatekept","GateKeepFail"};

  // sign = 0 : teamList[t1] is the attacking team
  // sign = 1 : teamList[t2] is the attacking team
  int signe = rand() % 2, offensiveIndex, defenseIndex;
  // Initialize the scores of both teams
  int potinT1=0,potinT2=0;
  // Initialize the name of the output txt file
  char* filePath = (char*)malloc(strlen(getName(getIElem(teamList,t1))) + strlen(getName(getIElem(teamList,t2))) + 10);
  sprintf(filePath, "%s_VS_%s.txt",getName(getIElem(teamList,t1)),getName(getIElem(teamList,t2)));
  FILE *f = fopen(filePath,"a");

  printf("\033[43;31m%d tour\033[0m\n",tour);
  printf("\033[43;31m%-15s : %-12s\t<====>\t%-15s : %-12s\t%s => %d : %d\033[0m\n","EquipeOffensive","OffenAction","EquipeDenfense","DefenAction","_NOTE_",0,0);
  fprintf(f,"%d tour\n",tour+1);
  fprintf(f,"%-15s : %-12s\t<====>\t%-15s : %-12s\t%s => %d : %d\n","EquipeOffensive","OffAction","EquipeDenfense","DefenAction","_NOTE_",0,0);
  // Loop until one of the teams gets a match point
  while(potinT1 < pm && potinT2 < pm){
    offensiveIndex = rand() % 2;
    defenseIndex = rand() % 3;
    char* offensiveAction = offensive[offensiveIndex];
    char* defenseAction = defense[defenseIndex];
    if(strcmp(defenseAction, "tacler")==0 || strcmp(defenseAction, "GateKeepFail")==0){
      if(strcmp(defenseAction, "GateKeepFail") == 0){
        if(signe == 0){
          printf("\n%s a gagné un point!\n",getName(getIElem(teamList,t1)));
          fprintf(f,"\n%s a gagné un point!\n",getName(getIElem(teamList,t1)));
          printf("\n%s a gagné un point!\n",getName(getIElem(teamList,t2)));
          fprintf(f,"%s a gagné un point!\n\n",getName(getIElem(teamList,t2)));
    if(signe == 0){
      printf("%-15s : %-12s\t<====>\t%-15s : %-12s\t%s => %d : %d\n",getName(getIElem(teamList,t1)), offensiveAction, getName(getIElem(teamList,t2)),defenseAction,"_NOTE_",potinT1,potinT2);
      fprintf(f,"%-15s : %-12s\t<====>\t%-15s : %-12s\t%s => %d : %d\n",getName(getIElem(teamList,t1)), offensiveAction, getName(getIElem(teamList,t2)),defenseAction,"_NOTE_",potinT1,potinT2);
      printf("%-15s : %-12s\t<====>\t%-15s : %-12s\t%s => %d : %d\n",getName(getIElem(teamList,t2)), offensiveAction, getName(getIElem(teamList,t1)),defenseAction,"_NOTE_",potinT2,potinT1);
      fprintf(f,"%-15s : %-12s\t<====>\t%-15s : %-12s\t%s => %d : %d\n",getName(getIElem(teamList,t2)), offensiveAction, getName(getIElem(teamList,t1)),defenseAction,"_NOTE_",potinT2,potinT1);
    signe = rand() % 2;

  if(potinT1 == pm){
    int noteWin = teamList[t1].noteWin;
    teamList[t1].noteWin = noteWin + 1;

    int noteLost = teamList[t2].noteLost;
    teamList[t2].noteLost = noteLost + 1;

    printf("%s gagne %d point\n", getName(getIElem(teamList,t1)),getNoteWin(getIElem(teamList,t1)));
    fprintf(f,"gagnant : %-15s\trate : %-15s\n",getName(getIElem(teamList,t1)),getName(getIElem(teamList,t2)));
    int noteWin = teamList[t2].noteWin;
    teamList[t2].noteWin = noteWin + 1;

    int noteLost = teamList[t1].noteLost;
    teamList[t1].noteLost = noteLost + 1;

    printf("%s gagne %d point\n", getName(getIElem(teamList,t2)),getNoteWin(getIElem(teamList,t2)));
    fprintf(f,"gagnant : %-15s\trate : %-15s\n",getName(getIElem(teamList,t2)),getName(getIElem(teamList,t1)));

  f = NULL;
  filePath = NULL;



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  • 追cium 2023-03-18 20:42




    1. 您的代码中有一些注释使用了“/**<”和“*/”,这在Doxygen中是不正确的。正确的注释格式应该是“/*”和“/”。

    2. 您使用的是相对路径“.”创建共享内存,这可能会导致无法正确访问共享内存。请使用绝对路径来确保无误。

    3. 在您的代码中可能包含一些不受支持的语法,例如“#define PM 4”,这可能会导致Doxygen无法解析代码。建议在代码中省略宏定义等不必要的语法。





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