I've generated a set of php classes using easyWsdl2PHP and they are working ok, but when I place the generated class inside a namespace like such...
namespace myCompany\ourService
then initially when calling this code...
$params = array("classmap"=>self::$classmap,"trace" => true,"exceptions" => true);
$this->soapClient = new SoapClient($url,$params);
I get this error
Class 'myCompany\ourService\SoapClient' not found
which I fix by calling new \SoapClient($url...
(notice the backslash at the start, escapes the namespace), but now basically it is complaining it cant find the 'response' object, that is my Request is placed in a 'SALE' object and passed to the soap call, the error is like so
Uncaught SoapFault exception: [Client] Class 'SALEResponse' not found
How can I use php namespaces correctly within my code, how to get Soap in php to use the name spaces correctly? I have two very similar services I need to connect to, both with 'sale' methods, and many other commonly named elements that are not compatible, so placing them inside a php namespace appears to be a good solution, as the code is generated, I could rename each Sale
to Service1_Sale
and Service2_Sale
, but that is far from ideal. Any help?