樟234 2023-04-18 19:15 采纳率: 0%
浏览 7

the class of UML

Draw the notation of class and mention the name of the compartments.

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  • 半调子全栈 2023-04-22 16:42

    The UML notation for a class consists of the following compartments:

    1. Class name - The name of the class appears at the top of the class box.
    2. Attributes - The attributes of the class are listed in the second compartment.
    3. Operations - The operations (methods) of the class are listed in the third compartment.
    4. Visibility - The visibility of attributes and operations can be indicated with symbols such as "+" for public, "-" for private, "#" for protected, and "~" for package.
    5. Stereotype - Optional stereotype can be placed above the class name to provide additional information about the class.



  • 创建了问题 4月18日


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