I'm trying to migrate data from old_table to new_table, but in old table the date datatype is datetime and in new table the date datatype is int and is accepting timestamp value.
So how to convert the old date in sql query so that it get inserted in new table as timestamp?
INSERT INTO `new_table` (`id`, `user_id`, `doctor_id`, `message_id`, `type`, `is_message`, `is_note`, `doctor_initials`, `call_status`, `message`, `date_created`, `date_updated`, `day`)
SELECT id, usid, drid, message_id, type, is_message, is_note, doctor, kall, message, datein, 123, ziua
FROM `old_table`;
I want a function which convert old date to value to timestamp e.g in the above query CONVERT_INTO_TIMESTAMP(datein)
Any help will be highly appreciated.
New Table date_created field accepts values in unix timestamp such as : 1540642765