What i am trying and cannot manage to make it work is to convert the below date strings into timestamp format and then after inserting this values to a timestamp field in MySQL get the average arrival (first entry of each day) and departure time( last entry of each day). When i try to use strtotime in the place month i get the day.
11/1/2018 2:58:03 PM
11/1/2018 12:38:08 PM
11/1/2018 12:29:27 PM
11/1/2018 12:26:06 PM
11/1/2018 12:22:41 PM
11/1/2018 10:58:54 AM
10/31/2018 1:35:41 PM
10/31/2018 11:23:50 AM
10/31/2018 11:15:01 AM
10/31/2018 9:32:43 AM
The code i execute is the below for the conversion:
$file_date = '11/30/2018 7:46:06 PM';
$file_date = str_replace('/', '-', $file_date);
$file_date = substr($file_date, 0, strpos($file_date, ' ', strpos($file_date, ' ')+1));
$file_date = strtotime($file_date);
echo $file_date.' ';
echo date('Y-m-d', $file_date).' ';
What am i doing wrong here? I am getting instead of the correct value 1970-01-01
Thank you very much in advance for your responses.