dongqiyang3711 2017-12-24 16:32 采纳率: 100%
浏览 160


This is my project structure:

Screenshot of project structure

I would like to import the common header (top.html) in all new pages, but I don't know why when I include top.html, it doesn't import head's link with CSS and JS source (external).

If I run directly top.html, it works perfectly and can read CSS and JS source.

# I used this path for include
include '../app/views/common/top.html';
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  • doswy02440 2017-12-24 16:54

    This may be because of incorrect path.

    For example, inside top.html you are using relative path like

    <script src="/script.js" />

    Which will automatically include SITE_URL+"app/views/common/script.js". Here this is correct path.

    but after using

    include '../app/views/common/top.html'

    it will search file script.js on "/app/views/home/" path which is now incorrect path.

    To solve this issue you can define path for js and css file in php and should use absolute path.

    For Example:

    <script src="<?=SITE_PUBLIC_PATH?>/script.js" />
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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