I want to display results from 4 querys into one single html-table (SQL Server 2012, PHP, HTML). I already can display the results from one database-table, but as soon as I start to query the other 3 tables it only returns one row from the first table.
The following code only has one query and works fine - it displays several information about patients (Name, Station, Room, Catheter, Personal-ID, Date of Catheter-Insertion..), at the moment there are three different patients at the table, therefore the html-table shows 3 rows:
$today = date("d.m.y");
$yesterday = date("d.m.y", time() - 60 * 60 * 24);
$dbyesterday = date("d.m.y", time() - 2*(60 * 60 * 24));
<div class="container" style="padding-top: 80px">
<div id="table_admin" class="span7">
<h3 id="name" style="color: orange">Visitenliste</h3>
<table class="table table-responsive table-hover">
<th id="tc">Station</th>
<th id="tc">Patientennummer</th>
<th id="tc">Zimmer</th>
<th id="tc">Name</th>
<th id="tc">Katheterart</th>
<th id="tc">Anlagedatum</th>
<th id="tc"><?php echo $dbyesterday; ?></th>
<th id="tc"><?php echo $yesterday; ?></th>
<th id="tc"><?php echo $today; ?></th>
// DB-Query für die Visitenliste
$sql = "SELECT dbo.patients.Patientennummer, Vorname, Nachname, Station, Zimmer, Katheterart, Anlagedatum, VisTod FROM dbo.patients INNER JOIN dbo.cathinsert ON dbo.patients.Patientennummer = dbo.cathinsert.Patientennummer ORDER BY Station ASC, Zimmer ASC";
$result = sqlsrv_query($connection, $sql);
if($result === false) {
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true) );
while($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($result, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)) {
echo ("<tr class=\"clickable-row\" data-href=\"visitact.php?Patientennummer=".$row["Patientennummer"]."\">");
echo ("<td>".$row["Station"]."</td>");
echo ("<td>".$row["Patientennummer"]."</td>");
echo ("<td>".$row["Zimmer"]."</td>");
echo ("<td>".$row["Vorname"]." ".$row["Nachname"]."</td>");
echo ("<td>".$row["Katheterart"]."</td>");
echo ("<td>".$row["Anlagedatum"]."</td>");
echo ("<td>".$row["VisTod"]."</td></tr>");
As a result, I have a table with 3 rows and all information I needed. But as soon as I start adding more querys now, the additional information is displayed right, but only for the first row! Its the only row displayed at all. I really can't figure out, why this happens. This is the code not working (all information is displayed right, even the information from the additional querys, but only one row --> only the first patient, although 3 are saved at the database and although the first code displays all 3 patients in the right way):
$today = date("d.m.y");
$yesterday = date("d.m.y", time() - 60 * 60 * 24);
$dbyesterday = date("d.m.y", time() - 2*(60 * 60 * 24));
<div class="container" style="padding-top: 80px">
<div id="table_admin" class="span7">
<h3 id="name" style="color: orange">Visitenliste</h3>
<table class="table table-responsive table-hover">
<th id="tc">Station</th>
<th id="tc">Patientennummer</th>
<th id="tc">Zimmer</th>
<th id="tc">Name</th>
<th id="tc">Katheterart</th>
<th id="tc">Anlagedatum</th>
<th id="tc"><?php echo $dbyesterday; ?></th>
<th id="tc"><?php echo $yesterday; ?></th>
<th id="tc"><?php echo $today; ?></th>
// DB-Query für die Visitenliste
$sql = "SELECT dbo.patients.Patientennummer, Vorname, Nachname, Station, Zimmer, Katheterart, Anlagedatum FROM dbo.patients INNER JOIN dbo.cathinsert ON dbo.patients.Patientennummer = dbo.cathinsert.Patientennummer ORDER BY Station ASC, Zimmer ASC";
$visdbyes = "SELECT (SELECT VisiteKind FROM dbo.visits WHERE VisiteDate = '$dbyesterday') AS VisiteKind";
$visyes = "SELECT (SELECT VisiteKind FROM dbo.visits WHERE VisiteDate = '$yesterday') AS VisiteKind";
$vistod = "SELECT (SELECT VisiteKind FROM dbo.visits WHERE VisiteDate = '$today') AS VisiteKind";
$result = sqlsrv_query($connection, $sql);
$result_vdy = sqlsrv_query($connection, $visdbyes);
$result_vy = sqlsrv_query($connection, $visyes);
$result_vt = sqlsrv_query($connection, $vistod);
$data = array();
while($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($result, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)){$data['row'] = $row;}
while($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($result_vdy, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)) {$data['dby'] = $row;}
while($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($result_vy, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)) {$data['yes'] = $row;}
while($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($result_vt, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)) {$data['tod'] = $row;}
echo ("<tr class=\"clickable-row\" data-href=\"visitact.php?Patientennummer=".$row["Patientennummer"]."\">");
echo ("<td>".$data['row']["Station"]."</td>");
echo ("<td>".$data['row']["Patientennummer"]."</td>");
echo ("<td>".$data['row']["Zimmer"]."</td>");
echo ("<td>".$data['row']["Vorname"]." ".$data['row']["Nachname"]."</td>");
echo ("<td>".$data['row']["Katheterart"]."</td>");
echo ("<td>".$data['row']["Anlagedatum"]."</td>");
echo ("<td>".$data['dby']["VisiteKind"]."</td>"); //vorgestern
echo ("<td>".$data['yes']["VisiteKind"]."</td>"); // gestern
echo ("<td>".$data['tod']["VisiteKind"]."</td>"); //heute
I hop you can help! Thanks in advance,