duanchuang1935 2017-04-26 07:41
浏览 83

Twitter API游标PHP

Already I have a script that collects the first 5000 users from friends/ids. I want to collect all friends so I have to move through cursors to get them. I think I understand the way the cursor works but still I'm not able to make it work. I'm trying to acceed to next_cursor but don't know what I'm doing wrong.

It seems like the cursor I'm trying to get isn't properly called.

Would like some feedback with these because twitter's API doesn't give any real example.


header("Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8");
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
$user = $_POST['nombre'];
$usuario = $user;

$servername = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "";
$dbname = "twitter";

// Create connection
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
// Check connection
if ($conn->connect_error) {
    die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);

/** Set access tokens here - see: https://dev.twitter.com/apps/ **/
$settings = array(
 'oauth_access_token' => "k1",
'oauth_access_token_secret' => "k2",
'consumer_key' => "k3",
'consumer_secret' => "k4"



$cursor = "cursor=".-1;
$url = 'https://api.twitter.com/1.1/friends/ids.json';
$getfield = '?'.$cursor.'screen_name='.$usuario;
$requestMethod = 'GET';

$twitter = new TwitterAPIExchange($settings);
$json = $twitter->setGetfield($getfield)
->buildOauth($url, $requestMethod)
->performRequest(true, array(CURLOPT_CAINFO => dirname(__FILE__) . '/cacert.pem'));

$arrayFriends = json_decode($json, true,512,JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING);

echo 'Usuario' .";". 'Nombre'.";".'Location'.";".'Numero Amigos'.";".'Numero     followers'.";".'Descripcion'."

foreach($arrayFriends['next_cursor'] as $curs){
foreach($arrayFriends['ids'] as $obj){
while($cursor != 0){
    $cursor = $curs;
    //$cursor = "&cursor=" + $cursor; 
    $sql = "INSERT INTO friends (user, id) VALUES ('$usuario','$obj')";
    if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {
        //echo "New record created successfully";
    } else {
        echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . $conn->error;

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  • douye5949 2017-08-11 16:43

    Try this code. It will fetch upto 3000 friends.

    Running time of the script is approx 3-5 minutes

    //function to fetch friends of the authenticating user
    function getAllFriends($auth_user_screen_name)
        //---getting application tokens and connection to database
       $arraySettings = defaultSettings();
      $con = $arraySettings['connection'];
      //create api instance
       \Codebird\Codebird::setConsumerKey('consumerKey', 'consumerSecret');
       $objTwitter = \Codebird\Codebird::getInstance();
       $oauth_token = "oauth_token";
       $oauth_token_secret = "oauth_token_secret";
       $objTwitter->setToken($oauth_token, $oauth_token_secret);
       //initialize empty array to store friends data returned from API     
      if (strlen($oauth_token) > 0 && strlen($oauth_token_secret) > 0) {
        $cursor = -1;
        while ($cursor != 0)
            $params = array(
                'screen_name' => $auth_user_screen_name,
                'count' => 200,
                'cursor' => $cursor
            $json = $objTwitter->friends_list($params);
            $httpStatus = $json->httpstatus;
            //meta is user defined key 
            $friendsData['meta']['seconds_to_reset']=($jsonFriends['rate']['reset'] - time());
            if ($httpStatus == 200) {
                echo "remaining requests " . $jsonFriends['rate']['remaining'] . '<br>';
                echo "next reset after (sec) " . ($jsonFriends['rate']['reset'] - time()) . '<br>';
                $lenght = count($jsonFriends['users']);
                $cursor = $jsonFriends['next_cursor'];
                echo "next_cursor=>" . $cursor . "<br>";
                $i = 0;  //loop counter
                while ($i < $lenght) {
                    $friendsData[$j]['screen_name']=$profileScreenName = $jsonFriends['users'][$i]->screen_name;
                    $friendsData[$j]['name']=$profileFullName = $jsonFriends['users'][$i]->name;
                    $friendsData[$j]['location']=$profileLocation = $jsonFriends['users'][$i]->location;
                    $friendsData[$j]['description']=$profileDescription = $jsonFriends['users'][$i]->description;
                    $friendsData[$j]['followers_count']=$followersCount = $jsonFriends['users'][$i]->followers_count;
                    $friendsData[$j]['friends_count']=$friendsCount = $jsonFriends['users'][$i]->friends_count;
                    $friendsData['']=$language = $jsonFriends['users'][$i]->lang;
                    $friendsData['']=$profileTwitterId = $jsonFriends['users'][$i]->id;
                    $friendsData['']=$isVerified = $jsonFriends['users'][$i]->verified;
                    $friendsData['']=$joinDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($jsonFriends['users'][$i]->created_at));
                    $friendsData['']=$userWebsiteUrl = $jsonFriends['users'][$i]->url;
                    $friendsData['']=$tweetsCount = $jsonFriends['users'][$i]->statuses_count;
                    $friendsData['']=$defaultProfileImage = $jsonFriends['users'][$i]->default_profile_image;
                    $friendsData['']=$favouritesCount = $jsonFriends['users'][$i]->favourites_count;
                    $friendsData['']=$isGeoEnabled = $jsonFriends['users'][$i]->geo_enabled;
                    $friendsData['']=$utcOffset = $jsonFriends['users'][$i]->utc_offset;
                    $friendsData['']=$timeZone = $jsonFriends['users'][$i]->time_zone;
                    $i++; //counter for friends in particular cursor
                    $j++; //counter for friends for all friends including all cursor requests
            } else {
                   //if httpStatus other than 200
                $friendsData['meta']['error_code']=$errorCode = $jsonFriends['errors'][0]->code;
                $friendsData['meta']['error_message']=$errorMessage = $jsonFriends['errors'][0]->message;
                echo "<pre>";
                //print error and rate data
            // check whether Api limit exceed
            if ($friendsData['meta']['remaining']==0)
                echo "<br>please wait=>".$friendsData['meta']['seconds_to_reset']." seconds";
        echo "<pre>";
        print_r($friendsData); //print all friends data including errors if any
    //call function to fetch all friends 
    //only max 3000 friends will retrieved in single request



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