drwn65609 2017-04-14 18:19
浏览 93


I am trying to create a profile editing setup. It seems as though the information is edited only when an image is being uploaded. I found out that allowing the error message to be a condition allows for some more manipulation so I attempted it now my condition statement is not working as it should.

if($_FILES['files']['error']==0) {

    echo "if";

    foreach($_FILES['files']['name'] as $file => $name) {
        $filename = $name;

            if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['files']['tmp_name'][$file],'uploads/'.$filename)) {
                $updateInfo = $db->prepare("UPDATE users SET image       = :image, aboutme     = :aboutme WHERE id = :id");

                $updateInfo->bindParam(":image", $filename);
                $updateInfo->bindParam(":id", $_SESSION['user']['id']);
                $updateInfo->bindParam(':aboutme', $aboutme);

        } catch(Exception $e) {
            echo $e;
} elseif($_FILES['files']['error'] == 4) {
    echo "Elseif";

        $updateInfo = $db->prepare("
        UPDATE users
            aboutme     = :aboutme

            WHERE id = :id
        $updateInfo->bindParam(':id', $_SESSION['user']['id']);
        $updateInfo->bindParam(':aboutme', $aboutme);

    } catch(Exception $e) {
        echo $e;
} else{
    echo "else";


When I check what array is being sent, its the correct one but the wrong condition, ie: it would run the else statement no matter the file check.

My question:

Is there something wrong with my code, with the exception of any security or efficiency flaws?

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  • drn9573 2017-04-14 19:23

    $_FILES['files']['error'] returns error code along with the file array. There are different type of error codes, all codes are mentioned in following link with details:

    Please check by


    and see what are you getting in response.

    As you posted your array response, you can get error code by $_FILES['files']['error'][0] or use switch case as mentioned in following link.

    See here for more details: http://php.net/manual/en/features.file-upload.errors.php

    Also regarding debugging, always debug code step by step from top to bottom. Check $_POST, $_FILES, $_SERVER etc details if you get some problem particular related to data process.

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