doujindou4356 2016-07-20 21:39
浏览 57

如何使用php phalcon日历检索数据

I'm using phalcon-2.1.0. I just create a calendar for my blog archive. i want to retrieve data from database which is matched with the date. my code retrieve only one post and that is my last post in db. I'm not understanding how to query loop through to check the date related data. I need to retrieve that posts which is related with the date users clicked.


public function indexAction()
    $bloger = Blogs::find();
    $postedDays = [];
    foreach ($bloger as $blog) {
       $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($blog->datetime));

       if (!in_array($date, $postedDays)) {
           $postedDays[] = $date;
    $this->view->setvar('dates', $postedDays);        

public function archivesAction($date)
    $archs = Blogs::find(["datetime LIKE :key:","bind"=>["key"=>'%'.$date.'%']]);        
    $this->view->setvar('dates', $archs);

[Calendar in blog page]

if(!isset($_REQUEST['month'])){$month = date("m");}else{$month = $_REQUEST['month'];}
if(!isset($_REQUEST['year'])){$year = date("Y");}else{$year = $_REQUEST['year'];}
if(!isset($_REQUEST['day'])){$day = date('d');}else{$day = $_REQUEST['day'];}   
$timestamp = mktime (0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year);
$monthName = date("F", $timestamp);
$prev_year = $year;
$next_year = $year;
$prev_month = $month-1;
$next_month = $month+1;
if($prev_month == 0 ){$prev_month = 12;$prev_year = $year - 1;}
if($next_month == 13 ){$next_month = 1;$next_year = $year + 1;}
$prev_month = str_pad($prev_month, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$next_month = str_pad($next_month, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);

<div class="table">
<div class="tr caption">
<div class="th L"><a href="blog?month=<?php echo($prev_month.'&amp;year='.$prev_year);?>">&lsaquo;</a></div>
<div class="th monyer"><?php echo($monthName.'-'.$year); ?></div>
<div class='th R'><a href="blog?month=<?php echo($next_month); ?>&amp;year=<?php echo($next_year);?>">&rsaquo;</a></div>

<div class='thead'>
<div class="td">S</div>
<div class="td">M</div>
<div class="td">T</div>
<div class="td">W</div>
<div class="td">T</div>
<div class="td">F</div>
<div class="td">S</div>

$monthstart = date("w", $timestamp);
$lastday = date("d", mktime (0, 0, 0, $month + 1, 0, $year));
$startdate = -$monthstart;
//Figure out how many rows we need.
$numrows = ceil (((date("t",mktime (0, 0, 0, $month + 1, 0, $year))
+ $monthstart) / 7));
//Let's make an appropriate number of rows...
for ($k = 1; $k <= $numrows; $k++){
?><div class="tr days"><?php
//Use 7 columns (for 7 days)...
for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++){
$startdate = str_pad($startdate, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); //Make dates leading zero
if ($startdate <= 0){
//If we have a blank day in the calendar.

<div class="td L"><?php echo("&nbsp;");?></div>
<?php }elseif($startdate > $lastday){echo('<div class="td R">&nbsp;</div>');}else {
if ($startdate == date("d") && $month == date("m") && $year == date("Y")){?>
<div class="td today"><?php echo($startdate); ?></div><?php
} else { ?>
<?php if(in_array($year.'-'.$month.'-'.$startdate, $dates)) { ?>
<div class="td days"><a href="blog/archives/<?php echo($year.'-'.$month.'-'.$startdate); ?>"><?php echo($startdate); ?></a></div>
<?php }else{ ?><div class="td days"><?php echo($startdate); ?></div><?php }?>   
<?php } } } ?></div><?php } ?>

[View - archive.volt]

{% for archs in dates %}
<a href="blog/showfull/<?php echo($archs->id); ?>">
    <dl class="archL">
{% endfor %}


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  • dongshan2004 2016-07-21 01:02

    Your archivesAction takes a parameter $date which you aren't using.

    You are basically querying all your blogs and looping through them. While looping you assign values to $times, $dater and $timer. After your foreach ends, these values will have the date of your last blog record.

    $get = Blogs::find();
    foreach($get as $d)
        $times = explode(' ', $d->datetime);
        $dater = $times[0];
        $timer = $times[1];
    $archs = Blogs::find(["datetime LIKE :key:","bind"=>["key"=>'%'.$dater.'%']]);

    What you should do instead is take the date from the parameter of your action archivesAction($date). Replace the above lines of code with this single line instead:

    // changed variable $dater to $date
    $archs = Blogs::find(["datetime LIKE :key:", "bind" => ["key"=> '%' . $date . '%']]);


    To have your months always output with 2 characters you can do this:

    <?php prev_month = str_pad($prev_month, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); ?>
    <a href="blog?month=<?php echo($prev_month.'&amp;year='.$prev_year);?>">&lsaquo;</a>

    Check str_pad documentation for more information on this.

    UPDATE 2

    To highlight only your calendar days which have posts in the database, you can do something like this:


    $blogs = Blogs::find();
    $uniqueDays = [];
    foreach ($blogs as $blog) {
       $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($blog->datetime));
       if (!in_array($date, $uniqueDays)) {
           $uniqueDays[] = $date;
    $this->view->setVar('databaseDates', $uniqueDays');


    if (in_array($year.'-'.$month.'-'.$startdate, $databaseDates) {
       // date is found in the database
       // highlight date


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