I have my project in phalcon framework version 2.1.0r on nginx with PHP 7.0.19. In my routes.php file the routes are configured like this :
$usersCollection->delete('/{name}', 'delete');
$usersCollection->put('/{name}', 'update');
In my controller I am trying to access the posted request parameters like :
but $id always returns NULL. I am able to get the posted values if I use :
But in this case the values are returned like :
------WebKitFormBoundaryzKhI64Bwq8brD8g3 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="id"
34534645645 ------WebKitFormBoundaryzKhI64Bwq8brD8g3--
which becomes difficult to parse. Is there any way to get the posted parameters for PUT and DELETE requests like that in POST requests for phalcon?