I try to use the code below to show table structure in html page:
<TITLE>PHP + Firebird / Interbase test (connection)</TITLE>
<H3>FB Connect test.</H3>
// DB definition of account
define("DBNAME","xx.xxx.xx.xxx:D:\DATABASE\OCS DATA.FDB"); // data bsse name
define("DBUSER","USER"); // user name
define("DBPASS","USER"); // password
// DB connection
$dbh = ibase_connect(DBNAME,DBUSER,DBPASS);
echo ibase_errmsg();
if ($dbh == FALSE) {
echo 'could not connect to DB<BR>';
} else {
echo 'success to connect to DB<BR>';
$ibsql = "SHOW TABLE DOC_TO";
echo ibase_errmsg();
echo $result;
but why it just show the result as "success to connect to DB"?