doubi7496 2017-01-17 17:39 采纳率: 0%
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在Laravel 5.3中同时保存多态关系

I want to correctly save both polymorphic relationships at the same time. The code below works, but I feel it could be a lot cleaner as I presume the two update() methods are calling the database twice.

A NewsModule::class can have different module items; VideoModule, TextModule, ImageModule, and a few more. Each containing their own content to be attached to the parent NewsModule.

As mentioned, the code works so the relationships are set up correctly, but I'm convinced there's a cleaner way of saving both at the same time.

I'm also open to suggestions about cleaning up the if statements too. But maybe that's another post.

public function update(Request $request, $id)
    $module = NewsModule::find($id);

    if ($module->type === 'text') {
        $content = TextModule::find($module->content_id);
    } elseif ($module->type === 'image') {
        $content = ImageModule::find($module->content_id);


    return fractal()
        ->item($module, new NewsModuleTransformer)

Updated (more code by request)...


    - id
    - content_id
    - content_type
    - etc

    - id
    - content
    - etc

    - id
    - image_id
    - etc


class NewsModule extends Model
    public function content()
        return $this->morphTo();

All item modules:

class TextModule extends Model
    public function newsmodules()
        return $this->morphMany(NewsModule::class, 'content');
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  • dougu3988 2017-01-17 18:35
    public function update(Request $request, $id)
        $modele = NewsModule::find($id);
        return fractal()
            ->item($module, new NewsModuleTransformer)

    That will run 4 queries total. 1 for each module to retrieve and another to update. That can be cut down to 3 like:

    public function update(Request $request, $id)
        $modele = NewsModule::find($id);
        return fractal()
            ->item($module, new NewsModuleTransformer)

    The downside to $module->content()->update($request->all()); is it will throw an error if there is anything in $request->all() that isn't a column in that content model or there is an array as a value. You can avoid that by just calling update() on the $fillable properties (if you have them defined) of the related model like:

        $fillable = $module->content()->getRelated()->getFillable();

    This way will also not fire any model event listeners you have since you are never retrieving the model from the database.

    To take everything one step further, look into Route Model Binding. In your app\Providers\RouteServiceProvider's boot() method:

    public function boot()
        Route::model('news', App\NewsModule::class);

    This way 'news' will always resolve to an instance of NewsModule when using it as a route parameter. So your route would be something like:

    Route::match(['patch', 'put'], '/news/{news}', 'NewsController@update');

    So in your update method you could resolve the model by just type hinting it in the method allowing you to do:

    public function update(Request $request, NewsModule $news)
        return fractal()
            ->item($news, new NewsModuleTransformer)
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