douzi2749 2013-11-12 18:26
浏览 135


I have a module which had instaled a CMS page with some default URL and some text with form. On this form I have fields and submit. I validate my fields using ajax(send POST in controller of my module). If validation is OK, I redirect to the same page with "succes message".

The problem is, that the default URL of this CMS page in which I make redirect after succes submit can be changed in BO - that's why I cannot just $this->_redirect('default_URL') in my controller, because this url can be changed.

What should I do?

EDIT : Solution: use $this->_redirectReferer() in my controller after success validation

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  • dou7851 2013-11-12 19:14

    Try to put "back URL" to your form as a hidden field or you can use $this->_redirectReferer() to redirect back to CMS page.


    If you want to redirect to some certain CMS page (not the one where form is placed) you can do this:

    1. Add dropdown to system configuration to be able to select "Success page" (much better than hardcode cms page ID)

    2. Redirect to this page in your controller


    $pageId = Mage::getStoreConfig('mymodule/config/success_page');
    $page = Mage::getModel('cms/page')->load($pageId);
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