dongleiqiao2107 2018-05-25 09:35
浏览 104

PHP - 根据postgresql列中的值删除行

I am generating a table in postgresql with PHP.

Resulting table

enter image description here

There are a lot of rows with the same values with exception of the first column, this is the unique ID. When I am trying to remove based on similar values in gene_id, searchterm and type.

Therefore, I used the following code:

$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT gene_id FROM searchterms";


$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT ON (gene_id,searchterm,types) * FROM searchterms";

After executing this code I still got the same result. I would like to keep only row with id 4.

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  • douchui1657 2018-05-25 09:38

    You are trying to delete all the empty rows?

    DELETE FROM searchterms WHERE gene_id = 0

    As for non empty rows with duplicates, you will want to select rows with more than one:

    SELECT gene_d, COUNT(*) c FROM table GROUP BY name HAVING c > 1;

    Then you can pop one element from the array and then delete the other ids.

    To stop duplicates being added in the first place, simply do a SELECT query first, and if no rows are found, perform the INSERT.

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