I'm tryin to develop a (almost) 100% client-side dynamic website by integrating it with twitter, facebook and flickr.
I've been able so far to get the last 4 tweets (with javascript) from my client's feed, and now i was wandering if i could do the same with facebook's gallery and events from their feed.
Especially, what i need (given the facebook username/api key/whatever)
for each gallery in user's profile:
- get the gallery name
- get the first picture
- get the gallery url
for each news/event/post in user's profile:
- get the event name
- get the event text
- get the event picture (if provided)
- get the event url
I don't want to use the facebook widgets with their rendering, i just need to read the json response (if there's any) and put the data inside my website (like a preview).
Since my client is pretty rusty with "computers (cit.)" but he's (not so strangely) comfortable with facebook/twitter/flickr, i tought about a solution like this before adding a database and an admin interface to our website.
I found some resources online, so i think it's possible (in a way or another). I'd like to do it in javascript, but if it's php i won't complain.