dongqing344716 2016-03-03 04:37
浏览 46


How can I make my $superhero_list array updates after all the code on the superhero.php is done and I want to search for another name?

The problem I find is that after Im done with the superhero.php and go back to superhero.html, it doesnt save the last name on the $superhero_list array.


      <title>Superhero List</title>
      <form method="post" action="superhero.php">
        <label for="heroname">Check The Super Hero Name:</label>
        <input type="text" id="heroname" name="heroname">


  $superhero_list = array();

if (in_array($_POST ["heroname"], $superhero_list)) {
    echo 'Your hero was found.<br>';
    echo "These are the Super Powers:<br> - Invisibility <br> - Xray Vision    <br> - Flight <br> - Underwater Breathing <br> - Immortality <br> - Healing Power <br> 
    - Mind Reading <br> - Supersmart <br> - Strenght<br>";
} else {
    echo "Hero was added to the Super Hero List!";
    array_push($superhero_list,$_POST ["heroname"]);

echo '<br><br>';
echo 'This your Hero List:<br>';
echo implode("<br>",$superhero_list);


Another thing, there is any better way to write this code? With functions or other loops?

Thanks in advance guys!

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  • dongyong5255 2016-03-03 05:20

    You are resetting the array every time you run the PHP script. You need to save the data so that next time it runs it can pull the data back. You can either do this by building a database to hold all the names, or you can save them to a file. With something this small saving it to a file is probably the easiest and quickest option.

    To save the data to a file change your php script to

        $superhero_list = array();
        //Load the list from the file
        $filename = 'heroNames.txt';
        //First check if the file exists
        if (file_exists($filename)) {
            //If the file exists load the data
            //First open the file for reading using "r"
            $myfile = fopen($filename, "r") or die("Unable to open file!");
            //Save it into the temp string
            $tempString = fgets($myfile);
            //turn that string into an array using ":" as the seperator. We will save using ":" later
            $superhero_list = explode(":", $tempString);
            //ALWAYS CLOSE THE FILE!!!
        //Now the data is either empty since its the first time used or it has all the names of the old superheros
    if (in_array($_POST ["heroname"], $superhero_list)) {
        echo 'Your hero was found.<br>';
        echo "These are the Super Powers:<br> - Invisibility <br> - Xray Vision    <br> - Flight <br> - Underwater Breathing <br> - Immortality <br> - Healing Power <br> 
        - Mind Reading <br> - Supersmart <br> - Strenght<br>";
    } else {
        echo "Hero was added to the Super Hero List!";
        array_push($superhero_list,$_POST ["heroname"]);
    //Now to save the data.
    //With PHP if you open a file to write and the file does not exist, it will create the file... SO...
    //Open the file for writing using "w"
    $myfile = fopen($filename, "w");
    //Convert the superhero array to a string using ":" to separate them
    $tempString = implode(":", $superhero_list);
    //Now save that string to the file
    fwrite($myfile, $tempString);
    echo '<br><br>';
    echo 'This your Hero List:<br>';
    echo implode("<br>",$superhero_list);
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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