douxiao0400 2017-09-05 05:37
浏览 129

Laravel - 在星期一选择上周的行

I have a table mdl_forum_posts with a field created that's a BIGINT (database is not mine, so don't blame for the type of field). An example of value is 1504170577. The value is saved as a timestamp.

There will run a cron every Monday (first day of the week) that needs to select all the rows created in the previous week (created value in week before).

I'm trying to do this:

$currentDate = \Carbon\Carbon::now();
$agoDate = $currentDate->subDays($currentDate->dayOfWeek)->subWeek();

$postsNL = DB::table('mdl_forum_posts')->whereBetween('created', array($agoDate,$currentDate))->get();

But this isn't returning any rows (and it should!).

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  • dongshanjin8947 2017-09-05 06:12

    Keep in mind that when you do some operations on a Carbon object it will modify the instance of the object itself, so basically when you run the statement

    $agoDate = $currentDate->subDays($currentDate->dayOfWeek)->subWeek();

    you are also modifying $currentDate.

    The below code should do the trick:

    $currentDate = \Carbon\Carbon::now();
    $agoDate = $currentDate->copy()->subDays($currentDate->dayOfWeek)->subWeek()->setTime(23, 59, 59);
    $postsNL = DB::table('mdl_forum_posts')
          ->whereBetween('created', array($agoDate->timestamp, $currentDate->timestamp))

    The copy method will make all the modifications on a copy of the Carbon instance, not affetting the original one.

    Hope it helps

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