What would be the cleanest way to process new user with roles creation and update? I got Users and Roles tables with relationships: $this->belongsToMany(Role::class). When I am creating a new user, in the same form I would like to assign role(s), but roles will be added into different table. And the same for when I would update the user, maybe I will add a additional role or I maybe I will need to remove some roles, In update scenario I would need to see what roles there are in the table and sync that with the form data. Below is a function updating user and Role information. The user update works but the Role update doesn't. What would the cleanest code to: Create a new user with one or more roles and to update user information and sync the role information.
public function update($id, Requests\CreateUserRequest $request) {
//send email to user to reset the password
flash('Great!! User was updated', 'success');
return redirect('users');