I have been building a test app that gathers pictures and certain pieces of user information from Instagram (only using PHP). I am not using the official API, but instead parsing the JSON response that I get from the url.
I'm trying to gather comments for a certain post. The issue is that when there's more than one comment, I can see the text for each comment, but the object name in the response is the same (it repeats for every comment): {text}.
Here's an abbreviated example response:
{"text":"I think this is funded by my company","created_at"...,"user":{"username"...}, blah blah blah},
{"text":"Very cool","created_at"...,"user":{"username"...blah blah blah
As you can see, for each comment made, there is a "text" object that I need to grab.
Here is my function (shortened) that parses the JSON and gets the comment text:
function scrape_insta_user_post($postid) {
$insta_source = file_get_contents('https://www.instagram.com/p/'.$postid.'/');
$shards = explode('window._sharedData = ', $insta_source);
$insta_json = explode(';</script>', $shards[1]);
$insta_array = json_decode($insta_json[0], TRUE);
global $the_pic_comments;
$the_pic_comments = $insta_array['entry_data']['PostPage'][0]['media']['comments']['nodes'][0]['text'];
I have another function that I use to display $the_pic_comments by simply echoing the results.
echo $the_pic_comments;
In cases where there is more than one {text} object, how would I go about displaying each comment? I'm assuming some kind of foreach() loop might work, but I can't get the foreach() to work with my json_decode() function.
This currently works, but only displays one comment, and everything else is ignored.
Can you help me create a loop that will get each comment from the JSON response?